Xena Open Automation framework for Xena test suite execution, integration, and development.

automation, python, python-library, test-framework, xena-networks
pip install xoa-core==2.0.3


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Xena OpenAutomation Core

Xena OpenAutomation Core (XOA Core) is an open-source test suite framework for network automation and testing. It is designed to host various XOA Test Suites as plugins, allowing users to create, manage, and run test cases for different network scenarios. The XOA Core framework serves as the foundation for building and executing test suites in the XOA ecosystem.

Key features of XOA Core include:

  1. Modular architecture: The test suite framework employs a modular architecture, enabling users to develop and run different test suites as plugins.

  2. Test Suite execution: XOA Core supports both local and remote test suite execution. Users can execute test suites on their local machines or on remote testbeds through the XOA CLI or Web GUI.

  3. Test Case management: XOA Core provides tools for managing test cases, including creating, updating, and deleting them. Users can also organize test cases using tags and execute them in parallel or sequentially.

  4. Extensibility: The framework is designed to be extensible, allowing users to develop custom test suites and plugins to address specific testing requirements.

  5. Logging and reporting: XOA Core offers built-in logging and reporting functionality, generating detailed test reports to help users analyze test results and identify issues. Xena OpenAutomation (XOA) Core is the framework that provides a standardized way for developers and test specialists to execute, develop, and integrate test suites, as well as managing Xena's physical and virtual Traffic Generation and Analysis (TGA) testers.


The user documentation is hosted: Xena OpenAutomation Core Documentation


Install Using pip

Make sure Python pip is installed on you system. If you are using virtualenv, then pip is already installed into environments created by virtualenv, and using sudo is not needed. If you do not have pip installed, download this file: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py and run python get-pip.py.

To install the latest, use pip to install from pypi:

~/> pip install xoa-core

To upgrade to the latest, use pip to upgrade from pypi:

~/> pip install xoa-core --upgrade

Note: If you install XOA Core using pip, XOA Python API (PyPi package name xoa_driver) will be automatically installed.

Install From Source Code

Make sure these packages are installed wheel, setuptools on your system.

Install setuptools using pip:

~/> pip install wheel setuptools

To install source of python packages:

/xoa_core> python setup.py install

To build .whl file for distribution:

/xoa_core> python setup.py bdist_wheel

Note: If you install XOA Core from the source code, you need to install XOA Python API (PyPi package name xoa_driver) separately. This is because XOA Python API is treated as a 3rd-party dependency of XOA Core. You can go to XOA Python API repository to learn how to install.

Understanding XOA Core

The XOA Core is an asynchronous Python framework that can be represented by four subparts:

  1. Resources Management System
  2. Test Suite Plugin System
  3. Test Execution System
  4. Data IO System

Resources Management System

The key functionality is represented in managing and monitoring the state of known test resources.

Under the hood, it uses the instance of xoa_driver library as a representation of the resource.

Note: XOA Python API (PyPi package name xoa_driver) is treated as a 3rd-party dependency, thus its source code is not included in XOA Core.

Available operations for users:

  • Add testers
  • Remove testers
  • Connect to testers
  • Disconnect from testers
  • Get the list of available testers

Test Suite Plugin System

XOA Core dynamically loads test suites that are organized in a common structure, and exposes information of those test suites to the user.

Available operations for users:

  • Register plugins library
  • Get the list of available test suite names
  • Get test suite info by its name

Users can register one or multiple test suite lookup folders in a test script by calling the method register_lib(<lookup_path: str>).

A test suite plugin must have the structure below:

    |- meta.yml
    |- __init__.py
    |- <any other modules defined by user>

meta.yml has a fixed structure as shown below, and is used as the entry point for the plugin loading system. If the test suite folder doesn't contain this file, it will not be loaded by XOA Core.

name: "RFC-2544[Frame Loss]" # Plugin name
version: "1.0" # Plugin curren version
core_version: ">=1.0.0" # compatible to xoa-core version
author: # Optional list of authors
  - "ACO"
entry_object: "FrameLossTest" # class name of script entry point
data_model: "FrameLossModel"  # class name of test suite data model

The entry_object must be inherited from an abstract class: types.PluginAbstract

The data_model must be a class of Pydantic model inherited from pydantic.BaseModel

You can find the source code of a test suite plugin example ./examples/billet_plugin_example/FrameLoss/.

Note: Be aware of imports during implementation of your plugin. It is recommended to use relative import in your plugin because the library paths in different user environments can be different, which makes it impossible for the plugin code to run.

Performance Notice: Test suites are treated as an asyncio.Task. It means all heavy computational operations must be implemented with subprocess workers or threadings.

Test Execution System

XOA Core provides the following controlling methods of test suite execution:

  • Start test suite
  • Pause/continue test suite: User should use await self.state_conditions.wait_if_paused(), where the test suite should be paused/continued.
  • Stop test suite: User should use await self.state_conditions.stop_if_stopped(), where the test suite should be stopped.

Start Test Suite

Method: execution_id = c.start_test_suite(<plugin_name>, <suite_config_dict>)

<plugin_name> - must match the name from plugins meta.yml.

<suite_config_dict> - must be a dictionary matching to the following structure:

    "username": "JonDoe",
    "port_identities": {
        "p0": {
            "tester_id": "2906f8d041e9fd07191d6a37ef5785b2",
            "tester_index": 0,
            "module_index": 1,
            "port_index": 4
    "config": TestSuiteModel<as dict>

If test_suite is successfully started, the function will return an execution_id, which can be used to control the test suite executions, or to subscribe to the outgoing messages from the test suite.

Note: A test suite will not start if its test resources are not registered in Resource Manager, or if one of its test resources is unavailable/disconnected.

Pause/Continue Test Suite

Method: await my_core_controller.running_test_toggle_pause(<execution_id>)

Note: To apply pause/continue action, a valid execution_id must be passed into the method.

Stop Test Suite

Method: await c.running_test_stop(<execution_id>).

If the execution of execution_id exists, the test suite will be terminated.

Data IO System

XOA Core allows users to subscribe to different messages generated by different subsystems (ResourcesManager, ExecutorManager) and test suites.

Code example of message subscription:

async for msg in c.listen_changes(execution_id, _filter={types.EMsgType.STATISTICS}):

In the snippet above, we subscribe only to the statistics messages from the test suite that is currently in execution.

The _filter argument is an set of filter types.

The first parameter of _filter argument is a mandatory identifier of the subsystem or the test suite execution.

Subsystem types:



Available filters types:

class EMsgType(Enum):
    DATA = "DATA"

Note: _filter argument is optional. If it is not provided, all message types will be returned from this test suite execution.