This is a small, lightweight Python 3.5+ library to aide in the manipulations of xpath expressions. It allows you to manipulate them as Python objects with Python expressions and operators.
pip install xpath-expressions
from xpath import Expression, Attribute
root_node = Expression('/root')
print(root_node.children) # /root/*
print(root_node.name) # name(/root)
print(root_node.attributes[1]) # /root/@*[1]
print(root_node / 'abc' / 'def') # /root/abc/def
# Filtering expressions:
print(root_node.text == 'abc') # /root/text()='abc'
expr = Attribute('abc') == 'def'
print(expr) # @abc='def'
print(root_node.children[expr]) # /root/*[@abc='def']
# The library handles quoting for you:
expr = Attribute('abc') == "def'"
filtered2 = root_node.children[expr] # /root/*[@abc="def'"]
# You can use xpath functions:
from xpath import func
# Pass arguments like usual
expr = func.string_length(root_node.name)
print(expr) # string-length(name(/root/))
# And treat those as normal expressions
print(expr == 5) # string-length(name(/root/)) == 5
# The library normalizes python reserved names:
print(func.or_()) # or()
# Use custom namespaces
from xpath import Functions
ns_functions = Functions('my-ns:')
print(ns_functions.something()) # my-ns:something()