
Yet another simple S3 management tool for python.

pip install yas3==1.0


YAS3 - Yet Another S3 Client

Yas3 is a simple client for managing buckets/storage in S3 (and S3 compatible endpoints) for people who don't want the complexity of learning boto3.

Uploading files

You can upload from file paths:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.upload('test.txt', 'file.txt', bucket='bucket')

Or as bytes:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.upload(file_bytes, 'file.txt', bucket='bucket', type='application/octet-stream')

The file type is guessed using mimetypes, but it can be easily specified using mimetype='text/json'.

Downloading files

You can download the file locally:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.download('file.txt', 'test.txt', bucket='bucket')

Or you can get the response directly:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    bucket_data = conn.get('file.txt', bucket='bucket')

File Operations

Moving Files:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.move('file.txt', 'new_file.txt', source_bucket='bucket', target_bucket='bucket')

Copying Files:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.copy('file.txt', 'new_file.txt', source_bucket='bucket', target_bucket='bucket')

Deleting Files:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.delete('file.txt', bucket='bucket')

Listing files in a bucket

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.list(bucket='bucket', prefix=None)

Update File Metadata:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.update_metadata('file.txt', metadata={'x-amz-storage-class': 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'}, bucket='bucket')

Update File Permissions:

with yas3.Connection(access_key=ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=SECRET_KEY, endpoint=ENDPOINT) as conn:
    conn.update_metadata('file.txt', metadata={'x-amz-storage-class': 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'}, private=False, bucket='bucket')

Using it as an object

If you want to create an object, feel free:

conn = yas3.Connection(...)


If you want to use multithreading, we support that too:

conn = yas3.Connection(..., threads=10)

futures = []
for obj, obj_path in convenient_list_of_objects:
    futures.append(conn.async_upload(obj, obj_path, bucket='bucket', type='application/octet-stream'))

# Wait for a file to be done

# Or upload synchronously (will wait for the data to finish uploading before continuing)
conn.upload(obj, obj_path, bucket='bucket', type='application/octet-stream')

# Wait for everything to finish

Note: If you kill the program without waiting for the futures, there's no guarantee that every operation will be finished. That's on you. Be careful.

Full Docs

See the full API documentation here.