
Zabbix Agent extension to monitor CouchDB 3

zabbix, monitoring, couchdb, couchdb3, zabbix-agent, zabbix-templates
pip install zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3==1.0.1


Zabbix Agent extension to monitor CouchDB 3

This is an extension for the Zabbix 4.x Agent to enable it to monitor CouchDB 3 servers.


Installation (Agent side)

You first have to install the extension on the server that runs the Zabbix Agent.

From PyPI

Run the following command (as root):

pip3 install zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3

Then copy the zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3.conf file from this repository to the /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/ folder on the server.

And finally, restart the Zabbix Agent (with systemd: systemctl restart zabbix-agent).

Installation (Zabbix side)

1. Import the template

  • Go to Configuration -> Templates,
  • and click on the Import button.
  • Now select the template (zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3.template.xml),
  • and click on the Import button.

2. Add the template to a host

  • Go to the host configuration,
  • and link the Template CouchDB 3 tempate to it.



3. Configure connection information using macros

  • Go to the host configuration page,
  • open the Macros tab,
  • configure required parameters.

The following parameters are available:

  • {$COUCHDB_HOST}: the CouchDB host (optional, default: localhost)
  • {$COUCHDB_PASSWORD}: the password to connect to CouchDB (required)
  • {$COUCHDB_PORT}: the CouchDB port (optional, default: 5984)
  • {$COUCHDB_PROTO}: the protocol to use to connect to CouchDB (http or https, optional, default: http)
  • {$COUCHDB_USER}: the user to connect to CouchDB (optional, default: admin)

At least the {$COUCHDB_PASSWORD} macro must be defined!


About polling interval

The default polling interval of this probe in Zabbix is 30s. In order to have accurate stats, you must configure the "stats interval" setting of your CouchDB to twice this value (60s):

interval = 60

Read more in the CouchDB documentation.

CLI Usage

This extension also provides a CLI to simplify debugging.

usage: zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3
[-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--user USER] --password PASSWORD
                   [--proto PROTO] [--show-json] [--show-stats] [--generate-template]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --host HOST          The CouchDB server host (default: localhost)
  --port PORT          The CouchDB server port (default: 5984)
  --user USER          The username to use for the connexion (default: admin)
  --password PASSWORD  The password to use for the connexion (mandatory)
  --proto PROTO        The protocol to use (default: http)
  --show-json          Display the raw JSON stats from CouchDB and exit (no stats will be
                       sent to Zabbix)
  --show-stats         Display the available stats with their values and description and exit
                       (no stats will be sent to Zabbix)
  --generate-template  Generates a Zabbix 4 template with all supported keys and exit (no
                   stats will be sent to Zabbix)

Example: dumping CouchDB stats as JSON:

zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3 --password=XXXXX --show-json

Example: displaying CouchDB stats in a more friendly format:

zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3 --password=XXXXX --show-stats

Example: generating the Zabbix template:

zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3 --password=XXXXX --generate-template > zabbix-agent-extension-couchdb3.template.xml


  • v1.0.1: Send credential to CouchDB at first request instead of waiting for a 401 first
  • v1.0.0:
    • Adds a command to generate the template from the available CouchDB stats
    • Adds a template for Zabbix 4.0
    • Adds documentation
  • v0.2.0: Handles histogram-type values
  • v0.1.1: Fixes an issue with the entry point
  • v0.1.0: Initial release