Kubectl wrapper in Python with OAuth token auth

kubectl, kubernetes
pip install zalando-kubectl==


Zalando Kubectl

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Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) wrapper in Python with OAuth token authentication.

This wrapper script zkubectl serves as a drop-in replacement for the kubectl binary:

  • it downloads the current kubectl binary from Google
  • it generates a new ~/.kube/config with an OAuth Bearer token acquired via zign.
  • it passes through commands to the kubectl binary


Requires Python 3.4+.

$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade zalando-kubectl


You can directly login to a known Kubernetes API server endpoint:

$ zkubectl login https://my-api-server.example.org
$ zkubectl cluster-info

You can also configure a Cluster Registry to look up clusters by ID:

$ zkubectl configure --cluster-registry=https://cluster-registry.example.org
$ zkubectl login my-cluster-id

The Cluster Registry needs to provide the following HTTP API for this to work:

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(zign tok)" https://cluster-registry.example.org/kubernetes-clusters/my-cluster-id
    "api_server_url": "https://my-api-server.example.org"

Unit Tests

Run unit tests with Tox:

$ sudo pip3 install tox
$ tox