
PyZCache is dependency free python key value cache based file storage and json serialize

cache, key, value, file, json
pip install zcache==1.0.2


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PyZCache is dependency free python key value cache based file storage and json serialize.

extra features:

  • limit able stack cache
  • option to add ttl (time to life) in cache content
  • smart request


pip install zcache


basic example:

from zcache import Cache
import time

c = Cache(path="/tmp/tes1.cache")
print("set foo=bar: ", c.set("foo", "bar"))
print("c size:", c.size())
print("c has foo: ", c.has("foo"))
print("c get foo: ", c.get("foo"))
print("c delete foo: ", c.delete("foo"))
print("c has foo: ", c.has("foo"))
print("c has spam:", c.has("spam"))
print("c set spam=eggs, ttl=3: ", c.set("spam", "eggs", ttl=3)) # cache with ttl
print("c has spam:", c.has("spam"))
print("sleep 3")
print("c has spam:", c.has("spam"))
print("c size:", c.size())

example with limited stack:

from zcache import Cache

d = Cache(path="/tmp/test2.cache", limit=2)
d.reset()  # reset cache stack to 0
print(d.set("one", 1))  # True
print(d.set("two", 2))  # True
print(d.set("three", 3))  # False out of stack limit
d.delete("one")  # delete one item from stack
print(d.set("three", 3))  # True


SmartRequest is Simple HTTP Client with smart caching system provide by zcache.

example usage of SmartRequest(url, cache_path, cache_time, offline_ttl):

from zcache import SmartRequest

req = SmartRequest("https://www.example.com", cache_path="/tmp/request1.cache")
print(req.is_loaded_from_cache) # check if response is loaded from cache
response_headers = req.response.get('headers')
response_body = req.response.get('body')

to make advance request you can create custom url object with other library, for example:

from zcache import SmartRequest
import requests

class MyRequest:
    url = "https://www.example.com"
    def get():
        this method called by SmartRequest to retrieve content.
        you can put request logic get, post etc and return tuple(headers=dict, body=str)
        ret = requests.get(MyRequest.url)
        return dict(ret.headers), ret.text

req = SmartRequest(MyRequest, cache_path="/tmp/request2.cache")

note: caching for request media/binary content is possible with base64 encode.
