time tracker and reporter

t, i, m, e, r, a, c, k
pip install zeitig==0.0.1



https://travis-ci.org/diefans/zeitig.svg?branch=master PyPI - Python Version PyPI

A time tracker.

The basic idea is to store all situation changes as a stream of events and create a report as an aggregation out of these.



  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add     Apply tags and notes.
  break   Change to or start the `break` situation.
  remove  Remove tags and flush notes.
  report  Create a report of your events.
  work    Change to or start the `work` situation.

Example session

You may add a timestamp, as in the example, which is parsed for your timezone. You may abbreviate the commands, so the shortes way to track your time of a running project is just z w and z b.

> export ZEITIG_STORE=/tmp/zeitig; mkdir $ZEITIG_STORE

> z foobar work -t foo "2018-04-01 08:00:00"

> z break "2018-04-01 12:00:00"

> z w "2018-04-01 13:00:00"

> z b "2018-04-01 17:30:00"

> z
Actual time: 2018-05-04 23:09:01

Actual group: foobar of foobar
Last situation in foobar: Break started at 2018-04-01 17:30:00 since 797.65 hours

Store used: /tmp/zeitig/olli
Last event: groups/foobar/source/2018-04-01T15:30:00+00:00

> z report
Working times for foobar until Friday 04 May 2018

Week: 13
        2018-04-01 08:00:00 - 12:00:00 - 4.00 - foo
        2018-04-01 13:00:00 - 17:30:00 - 4.50

Total hours: 8.50


You may create a .zeitig directory somewhere in your current working directory path to use it as the store. Other defaults are ~/.config/zeitig and ~/.local/share/zeitig.

For every user is a separate directory created, which containes the groups and the events sources:

    +- <user>
        +- last ---+
        |          |
        +- groups  |
        |   |      v
        |   +- <group>
        |       |
        |       +- source
        |       |   |
        |       |   +- <event UTC timestamp>
        |       |
        |       +- templates
        |       |   |
        |       |   +- <jinja template>
        |       |
        |       +- template_defaults.toml
        |       |
        |       +- template_syntax.toml
        +- templates
        |   |
        |   +- <jinja template>
        +- template_defaults.toml
        +- template_syntax.toml

The events are stored as simple toml files.


Events are fully exposed to the reporting template. You can pipeline certain filters and aggregators to modifiy the event stream.

Templates are rendered by jinja2. You can modify the start and end tags by a special template_syntax.toml file.

An example latex template may look like this:


\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}


% sans serif font

\thispagestyle{empty} % no page footer
    \textbf{Client}: & We do something special\\
    \textbf{Contractor}: & Oliver Berger\\
    \textbf{Project number}: & 12-345-6789-0\\

    Start & End & Hours & Description\\
\BLOCK{for event in events.pipeline(
    \BLOCK{if py.isinstance(event, events.DatetimeChange) and event.is_new_week}
    \BLOCK{if py.isinstance(event, events.Work)}
    \VAR{event.local_start.to_datetime_string()} & \VAR{event.local_end.to_time_string()} & \VAR{'{0:.2f}'.format(event.period.total_hours())} & \BLOCK{if event.tags}\VAR{', '.join(event.tags)}\BLOCK{endif-}\\

    \BLOCK{if py.isinstance(event, events.Summary)}
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Total hours}} & \textbf{\VAR{'{0:.2f}'.format(event.works.total_hours())}} & \\
    Date & & Signature of client\\


Jinja syntax

Group jinja template syntax will be merged into user syntax:


# define a latex jinja env
block_start_string = "\\BLOCK{"
block_end_string = "}"
variable_start_string = "\\VAR{"
variable_end_string = "}"
comment_start_string = "\\#{"
comment_end_string = "}"
line_statement_prefix = "%%"
line_comment_prefix = "%#"
trim_blocks = true
autoescape = false

# map a template name to a jinja env
latex_template = "latex"

Jinja defaults

You may define also template defaults for a group, which will be merged into the user template defaults.