
Walk a filesystem with configurable path and filename filters.

pip install zind==0.1.3



Walk a filesystem with configurable path and filename filters.

Python Zind

zind is library for walking the filesystem and scanning files with configurable path and text filters.

Zind features

  • Walk filesystem
  • Filter files and directories using configurable filters
  • Print lines of text in files
  • Filter lines of text using configurable filters
  • Pure Python - no dependencies


pip install zind

Zind Cli

Some examples of the zind cli would look like this:

# Walk the filesystem
$ zind

# Filter out all paths that contain the text 'node_module'
$ zind -ge node_module

# Only include paths with the text 'py'
$ zind -g py

# Only include paths that end with the text py
# zind -gr ".*py$"

Cli Usage

Filesystem files and directories can be filtered based on input tokens. -g will only return lines with matching text. -ge will exclude lines with matching text. -gr will use regex matching to include text. -gc will enforce case sensitive matches. The options can be mix and matched. -gre ".*.py$" will exclude all files ending in .py.

Files can be scanned line by line as well. -t will cause the tool to print matching lines within files that contain the matching text. -te will exclude matching lines in text.

Getting Started

The most simple example of the api would look like this:

from zind.api.core_find import Find

find = Find()
file_matches = find.find(".",[])

for file_match in file_matches: