
The Racket package catalog server



Package Catalog Server


Requires the following packages (and their dependencies) to be installed:

raco pkg install --skip-installed \
    plt-service-monitor \
    web-server-lib \
    bcrypt \


Run the dynamic server via main.rkt. Provide the --config file to specify a module that exports config as a hash table with symbol keys to configure the server. Alternatively, run one of the modules in official/configs/; those modules are also useful as configuration examples.

To initialize the set of served packages, use raco pkg catalog-copy to copy an existing catalog to directory form, and then move the pkg directory in the catalog copy to be root/pkgs (where root is the server's root directory).


Common configuration keys:

  • src - path; defaults to this package's official/. directory.

    • static.src-path - path; defaults to src/static. Location of (non-generated) HTML/JS/CSS files to be copied to static-path (see below).

    • static-path - path; defaults to src/static-gen. Staging area where all static resources - both generated and non-generated - are copied to before being copied in turn to whereever static content is to be served from (usually an S3 bucket).

    • notice-path - path; defaults to static-path/notice.json. Whenever the server has a message for site users, the message will be placed in this file.

  • root - path; defaults to this package's official/root directory. Used as a base for many other configuration variables:

    • - path; defaults to root/ Directory in which to hold user records, one file per user.

    • cache-path - path; defaults to root/cache. Names a directory where files summary.rktd and summary.rktd.etag will be created.

    • pkgs-path - path; defaults to root/pkgs. Names a directory where one file of package information for each package in the catalog will be stored.

    • github-client_id (obsolete) - string #f; defaults to the contents of the file at root/client_id, if it exists. Should be a Github client ID string (hex; twenty characters long, i.e. 10 bytes of data, hex-encoded), used only if package downloaing is forced to use the GitHub API by setting the PLT_USE_GITHUB_API environment variable

    • github-client_secret (obsolete) - string or #f; defaults to the contents of the file at root/client_secret, if it exists. Should be a Github client secret string (hex; forty characters long, i.e. 20 bytes of data, hex-encoded), used only when github-client_id is used

  • s3-bucket - string or #f; defaults to the contents of the environment variable S3_BUCKET, if it is defined; otherwise, to AWS credentials are found by the s3 package, typically from ~/.aws-keys. If set to #f, S3 synchronization will be disabled.

  • s3-bucket-region - string; defaults to the contents of the environment variable S3_BUCKET_REGION, if it is defined; otherwise, to us-east-1.

  • beat-s3-bucket - string or #f; defaults to #f. A bucket name for regsitering heartbeats, or #f to disable heartbeats.

Configuration keys used by dynamic.rkt:

  • redirect-to-static-proc - function from HTTP request to HTTP response, which should issue a redirect pointing to a static resource. Defaults to a function which replaces the scheme with the contents of the configuration variable redirect-to-static-scheme, the host with redirect-to-static-host, and the port to redirect-to-static-port. These, in turn, default to "http", "" and 80, respectively.

  • email-sender-address - string; defaults to Used as the "from" address when sending authentication emails on behalf of the server.

  • port - number; defaults to 9004. Port on which the backend site will be served (N.B. via HTTPS).

  • ssl? - boolean; ; defaults to #t. A true value serves HTTPS and requires root/server-cert.pem and root/private-key.pem.

  • beat-update-task-name - string; defaults to "pkgd-update". A task name for heartbeats after updating information for all packages.

Configuration keys used by static.rkt:

  • atom-self-link - string; defaults to Used as the rel=self link in the header of the generated ATOM feed.

  • atom-link - string; defaults to Used as the default site link in the header of the generated ATOM feed.

  • atom-id - string; defaults to Used as the ATOM feed ID.

  • atom-compute-package-url - function from package-name symbol to URL string. Defaults to a function which calls format with the package name and a format template-string from atom-package-url-format-string, which in turn defaults to[~a].

  • beat-upload-task-name - string; defaults to "pkgd-upload". A task name for heartbeats after uploading information for all packages.