by JavaCommons Technologies <>
(require pprint-all) package: pprint-all
This basically provides pp
, echo
, and dump
1 Example and usage
2 Reference
#lang racket/base
(require pprint-all)
(define x (+ 11 22))
(echo x)
(echo x "x") ;; with title
(echo (list x 777))
(dump (list x 777)) ;; (list x 777) ==> (33 777)
(pp "hello \nworld") ;; pp quotes string
(echo "hello \nworld" "msg") ;; echo unquotes string
(echo (pp->string (list x 777)))
(dump (pp->string (list x 777)))
(echo "abc\r\n" "quote" #:unquote-string? #f)
(dump "abc\r\n" #:unquote-string? #f)
(pp x [port (current-output-port)]
#:unquote-string? [unquote-string? #f])
Pretty-print x to the port.
(pp->string x
#:unquote-string? [unquote-string? #f])
Pretty-print x to a string.
(print->string x)
x to a string.
(echo x [title ""] [port (current-output-port)]
#:unquote-string? [unquote-string? #t])
Pretty-print x to the port with an optional title.
(dump x [port (current-output-port)]
#:unquote-string? [unquote-string? #t])
Pretty-print x to the port with an auto-generated title.