
Vulkan API integration.

2d, 3d, graphics, images, khronos, opengl, vulkan, computer-graphics, computer-vision, gpu, racket, racket-ffi-bindings, vulkan-api


License: MIT

Racket + Vulkan® = awesome

Vulkan® API integration and utilities for Racket. Vulkan and the Vulkan logo are registered trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc.

Read the docs to get started.

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30-second Code Tour

This section is for maintainers, for the curious, and for myself when I inevitably forget what I did.

This project's chief job is to generate Racket code that uses Vulkan. spec.rkt manages Vulkan's XML specification. The local mirror is stored in private/assets/vk.xml. The X-expression form of that document acts as the input to all code generators.

private/generate contains the code generators. Each module therein provides an in-fragment procedure. in-fragment lazily produces some sequence of Racket code from a Vulkan specification. Each module will tell you about the code it produces and the assumptions it makes in doing so. You can pass fake specifications to experiment.

private/writer.rkt implements the raco rvk-gen command. Pass a path to one of the private/generate modules to see the code that module produces.