
This gem allows you to have ordered models. It is like the old acts_as_list, but very lightweight and with an optimized SQL syntax.

gem install acts_as_positioned -v 0.0.4


ActsAsPositioned (for ActiveRecord 3 or higher)

This gem allows you to have ordered models. It is like the old acts_as_list gem, but very lightweight and with an optimized SQL syntax.

Suppose you want to order a Post model by position. You need to add a position column to the table posts first.

class CreatePost < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table(:posts) do |t|
      t.integer(:position, null: false)

You can make the position column optional: only records with entered positions will be ordered. In rare cases, you can also add extra order columns.

To add ordering to a model, do the following:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

You can also order within the scope of other columns, which is useful for things like associations:

class Detail < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_positioned(scope: :post_id)

This means the order positions are unique within the scope of post_id.


Check out the tests (in test/lib/acts_as_positioned.rb) to see more examples.

Suppose you have these records (for all examples this is the starting point):

id | position
 1 |        0
 2 |        1
 3 |        2

Insert a new record at position 1

The existing records with position greater than or equal to 1 will have their position increased by 1 and the new record (with id 4) is inserted:

Post.create(position: 1)

id | position
 1 |        0
 2 |        2 # moved down
 3 |        3 # moved down
 4 |        1 # inserted

Delete a record at position 1

The existing records with position greater than or equal to 1 will have their position decreased by 1 and the record (with id 2) is deleted:


id | position
 1 |        0
              # deleted
 3 |        1 # moved up

Move a record down from position 0 to position 1

The existing record with position equal to 1 will have its position decreased by 1 and the record (with id 1) is moved down:

Post.find(1).update(position: 1)

id | position
 1 |        1 # moved down
 2 |        0 # moved up
 3 |        2

Move a record up from position 2 to position 0

The existing records with position greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1 will have their position increased by 1 and the record (with id 3) is moved up:

Post.find(3).update(position: 0)

id | position
 1 |        1 # moved down
 2 |        2 # moved down
 3 |        0 # moved up

Insert a new record at position 4

This would create a gap in the positions and is not allowed.

Post.create(position: 4)

id | position
 1 |        0
 2 |        1
 3 |        2
 4 |        4 # invalid (thus not saved)

Insert a new record with an empty position

This will not affect the other records.

Post.create(position: nil)

id | position
 1 |        0
 2 |        1
 3 |        2
 4 |      nil # inserted, but without position

Clear a record's position

Clearing a record's position, is like deleting its position.

Post.find(1).update(position: nil)

id | position
 1 |      nil
 2 |        0 # moved up
 3 |        1 # moved up


© 2017 Walter Horstman, IT on Rails