This gem is slightly based on cap-ec2, which is not maintained for a while, becoming outdated.
The purpose of this gem is to provide a flexible and simple integration to AWS EC2, exposing the aws-sdk connection in order to allow any customization.
- Capistrano 3
Add to your Gemfile
and run bundler
gem 'capistrano-aws'
Or install the gem system-wide:
gem install capistrano-aws
In your Capfile
require 'capistrano/aws'
# AWS regions to use.
set :aws_ec2_regions, ['us-east-1']
# Application name to match application tag.
set :aws_ec2_application, (proc { fetch(:application) })
# Stage to match stage tag.
set :aws_ec2_stage, (proc { fetch(:stage) })
# Tag to be used for Capistrano stage.
set :aws_ec2_stage_tag, 'Stage'
# Tag to be used to match the application.
set :aws_ec2_application_tag, 'Application'
# Tag to be used for Capistrano roles of the server (the tag value can be a comma separated list).
set :aws_ec2_roles_tag, 'Roles'
# Extra filters to be used to retrieve the instances. See the for more information.
set :aws_ec2_extra_filters, []
# Tag to be used as the instance name in the instances table (aws:ec2:instances task).
set :aws_ec2_name_tag, 'Name'
# How to contact the instance (:public_ip, :public_dns, :private_ip, :private_dns, :id).
set :aws_ec2_contact_point, :public_ip
The AWS credentials are loaded from your system. Check for more information.
The instances must be registered in each stage. In your config/deploy/<stage_name>.rb
, add the following line:
This must be placed after you have configured your AWS settings
It will use the instance tags to call the server
function in capistrano. You can pass a hash as an argument, and it will be merged into the function call:
aws_ec2_register user: 'hello', port: 2222
Custom EC2 Filters
If you need to identify the instances based on more information, you can specify extra filters to be used in the filters
option in the Aws::EC2::Resource.instances call.
Imagine you have some split test servers for your production environment, so you can use another tag for specifying the variation of some servers:
Name | Application | Environment | Roles | SplitTestVariation |
foo-app01 | foo-app | production | app,db | 0 |
foo-app02 | foo-app | production | app | 0 |
foo-app03 | foo-app | production | app | 1 |
foo-app04 | foo-app | production | app | 1 |
In your environment files:
# production.rb
set :aws_ec2_extra_filters, [
name: "tag:SplitTestVariation",
values: ["0"],
# production-b.rb
set :aws_ec2_stage, "production" # Optional. Use if you have the same environment for the B servers.
set :aws_ec2_extra_filters, [
name: "tag:SplitTestVariation",
values: ["1"],
The :aws_ec2_stage
variable is needed in order to override the default value of the stage fielter(:stage
). If you really have a different environment for your B
servers, you can just use the name of the environment as the file name and remove this line.
Utility tasks
List all the instances found for with the current configuration.
cap production aws:ec2:instances
Open an issue or make a PR, feel free to contribute!