
A collection of devops tasks for rails applications

gem install capistrano-ops -v 0.2.11


capistrano-ops - Comprehensive DevOps Utility for Rails 🛠️

The capistrano-ops gem is a valuable library, tailor-made for Rails DevOps professionals, offering an array of beneficial scripts to streamline and enhance operations with Capistrano. The focus is on seamless integration with Capistrano version 3 and above.

Main Features:

🗃️ Database and Storage Backups:

  • Create, pull, and manage backups of your Postgres database and server storage.
  • Delegation of old backup removal for both Postgres database and server storage.

🛠️ Configuration Management:

  • Compare application.yml files between local and server environments using figaro_yml:compare.
  • Fetch server environment variables set via Figaro with figaro_yml:get.

📜 Logging and Task Management:

  • Real-time viewing of Rails server logs.
  • Showcase the server app's crontab generated with the 'whenever' gem.
  • Ability to invoke server-specific rake tasks.

🔔 Notification Integrations:

  • Set up notifications through Slack or generic Webhooks.
  • Customize notification levels (info/error).

⚙️ Backup Settings Customization:

  • Define the number of backups retained, both locally and externally.
  • Toggle backup tasks and external backups.
  • S3 integration for backup storage, including customization of bucket, region, and endpoint details.

📅 Schedule Tasks:

  • Couple with the 'whenever' gem to schedule daily backup creation and old backup removal.

🔗 Slack & Webhook Integrations:

  • Integrate seamlessly with Slack or use webhooks for notifications, alerting you on essential operations or any potential issues.

☁️ Backup Providers:

  • S3 and other S3-compatible services are supported to ensure your data remains secure and accessible.


'capistrano', '~> 3.0'

# hint: if you use other aws-sdk gems, its possible that you have to update them too


Add the gem to your Gemfile after setting up Capistrano group:

group :development do
  gem 'capistrano', require: false

gem 'capistrano-ops'

Then bundle and add it to your Capfile

# Capfile

require 'capistrano/ops'

and initializers

# initializers/capistrano_ops.rb
require 'capistrano/ops'

Script overview

Script Description
cap <environment> backup:create creates backup of postgres database on the server (deprecated)
cap <environment> backup:pull download latest postgres backup from server (deprecated)
cap <environment> backup:database:create creates backup of postgres database on the server
cap <environment> backup:database:pull download latest postgres backup from server
cap <environment> backup:storage:create creates backup of storage on the server
cap <environment> backup:storage:pull download latest storage backup from server
cap <environment> figaro_yml:compare compare local application.yml with server application.yml
cap <environment> figaro_yml:get shows env vars from server application.yml configured thru figaro
cap <environment> logs:rails display server log live
cap <environment> whenever:show_crontab display server app crontab generated with whenever
cap <environment> invoke:rake TASK=<your:task> invoke rake task on server
rake pg:dump creates postgres database backup
rake pg:remove_old_dumps remove old postgres backups
rake storage:backup creates backup of storage
rake storage:remove_old_backups remove old storage backups


for all backup task you have to setup your database.yml properly:


  database: database_name
  username: database_username
  password: database_password
  host: database_host
  port: database_port

Optional Settings for backup task

env description type/options
NUMBER_OF_BACKUPS number of backups to keep (default: 7) number
NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_BACKUPS number of backups to keep locally (default: nil) number
NUMBER_OF_EXTERNAL_BACKUPS number of backups to keep externally (default: nil) number
BACKUPS_ENABLED enable/disable backup task (default: Rails.env == 'production') boolean
EXTERNAL_BACKUP_ENABLED enable/disable external backup (default: false) (only if 'BACKUPS_ENABLED', needs additional setup) boolean
KEEP_LOCAL_STORAGE_BACKUPS keep local storage backups (default: Rails.env == 'production') boolean
DEFAULT_URL notification message title (default: "#{database} Backup") string
NOTIFICATION_TYPE for notification (default: nil) string (webhook/slack)
NOTIFICATION_LEVEL for notification (default: nil) string (info/error)
SLACK_SECRET for slack integration string (e.g. xoxb-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890)
SLACK_CHANNEL for slack integration string (e.g. C234567890)
WEBHOOK_URL Webhook server to send message e.g
WEBHOOK_SECRET Secret to send with uses md5-hmac hexdigest in headerx-hub-signature ---
BACKUP_PROVIDER Backup provider (default: nil) string (s3)
S3_BACKUP_BUCKET S3 bucket name for backups string
S3_BACKUP_REGION S3 region for backups string
S3_BACKUP_KEY S3 access key for backups string
S3_BACKUP_SECRET S3 secret key for backups string
S3_BACKUP_ENDPOINT S3 endpoint for backups (optional, used for other S3 compatible services) string

use with whenever/capistrano

install whenever gem and add this to your schedule.rb

# config/schedule.rb
# Use this file to easily define all of your cron jobs.
env :PATH, ENV['PATH']
set :output, -> { '2>&1 | logger -t whenever_cron' }

every :day, at: '2:00 am' do
  rake 'pg:dump'
  rake 'storage:backup'

every :day, at: '3:00 am' do
  rake 'pg:remove_old_dumps'
  rake 'storage:remove_old_backups'

add this to your capfile

# Capfile
require 'whenever/capistrano'


You can optionally specify the capistrano roles for the rake task (Defaults to :app):

# Defaults to [:app]
set :rake_roles, %i[db app]

Slack integration

if you want to use slack integration you have to add this to your application.yml

SLACK_SECRET: '<your-slack-secret>'
SLACK_CHANNEL: '<your-slack-channel>'

Webhook integration

if you want to use webhook integration you have to add this to your application.yml

WEBHOOK_URL: '<your-webhook-url>'
WEBHOOK_SECRET: '<your-webhook-secret>'

Notification level

if you want to use notification level you have to add this to your application.yml

NOTIFICATION_LEVEL: 'info' # default is 'error'


if you want to configure the number of backups you have to add this to your application.yml

NUMBER_OF_BACKUPS: 7 # default is 7 (local + external)

to fine tune the number of local and external backups you can use this:

NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_BACKUPS: 7 # default is nil (local)
NUMBER_OF_EXTERNAL_BACKUPS: 7 # default is nil (local)

Backup provider

if you want to use an external backup provider you have to add this to your application.yml

S3_BACKUP_BUCKET: '<your-s3-bucket>'
S3_BACKUP_REGION: '<your-s3-region>'
S3_BACKUP_KEY: '<your-s3-key>'
S3_BACKUP_SECRET: '<your-s3-secret>'
S3_BACKUP_ENDPOINT: '<your-s3-endpoint>' # optional, used for other S3 compatible services


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.