
Deploy Ruby on Rails using Capistrano and Docker

gem install deployinator -v 0.1.9



Opinionatedly Deploy Applications


  • Fill out this readme
  • Fix bug with deployment_authorized_keys first time setup, passed wrong templates path ('postgres/deployment..' instead of 'deploy/deployment...')
  • Fix deploy from_local=true to work without copying it to config/deploy.rb - then setup capistrano-notify-hubot to report "from_local" for the branch
  • Create task to create the shared_path.join("run") directory
  • Change deployinator to use host.postgres_port (like postgresinator) in place of set :postgres_port
  • Skip db:migrate if the database is not running instead of failing the deploy
  • Remove ruby from ruby_container_name ruby_image_name, etc
  • Remove bluepill names, ditto
  • Setup mechanism to run other (inator) gem's "setup" tasks before deploy if they've not been run before (locking mechanism?)
  • Move unicorn.rb.erb functionality to more abstract config file uploads, - maybe scripts.d/ style
  • Add a 'non-interactive=true' switch to all interactive questions
  • Add a task to check for a full disk before continuing a deploy (a full disk causes agent forwarding to fail with "Permission denied (publickey)" error since /tmp cannot be written to).
  • Add a hook to run all <inator gem>:check:settings tasks before everything else
  • Use a lock file to auto-detect when docker run commands have changed, - and recreate containers instead of restarting them.
  • Run permissions task during a deploy:restart:force
  • Maybe don't run file_permission task during restart?