Our APIs allow easy and secure access to bank account data and payment initiation. The account data accessible are account holder's personal information, account balances, transaction history and much more. The available payment methods depend on the banks implementation but typically are domestic transfers, SEPA credit transfer, instant SEPA credit transfer, fast payment scheme, and SWIFT international payments.

gem install fintecture -v 0.6.2



Fintecture is connected with most European banks and enables a user to initiate a payment directly from their bank account. This results to a bank transfer sent from the user's bank account directly to your bank account, skipping all intermediaries. Within the SEPA region, transfers take between 10 seconds to 1 business day to arrive on your bank account. No hidden fees. Check out our website.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fintecture'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fintecture


Get started by subscribing to a free developer account. Join today to get access to our sandbox by registering on the developer console by creating your first sets of API Keys. When creating an account, specify you are an ECOMMERCE. When you’re ready to deploy to production, just go through the Activation Form in your console. Once the Fintecture Team activates your account, you’ll be ready to start receiving real bank transfers directly on the bank account specified during activation.

By default sandbox is the initial environment, but you can change to production when initializing your PIS or AIS client:

Initialize your PIS client

pis_client = Fintecture::PisClient.new({
    environment: 'sandbox', # => ["sandbox", "test", "production"]
    app_id: 'your_app_id',
    app_secret: 'your_app_secret',
    private_key: %q(your_private_key)

Initialize your AIS client

ais_client = Fintecture::AisClient.new({
    environment: 'sandbox', # => ["sandbox", "test", "production"]
    app_id: 'your_app_id',
    app_secret: 'your_app_secret',
    private_key: %q(your_private_key)


PIS client properties


Access token

This method return the token and store it in the client for future requests


POST /connect

Creates a connect session for a PSU to initiate a payment.


# connect (payload, state, redirect_uri = nil, origin_uri = nil, with_virtualbeneficiary: false)
#       payload: {}
#       state: string
#       redirect_uri: string
#       origin_uri: string

response = pis_client.connect payload, "my-state", "https://www.my-redirect-uri.fr", "https://www.my-origine-uri.fr", with_virtualbeneficiary: true

GET /payments

Get the details of all transfers or of a specific transfer, with virtual beneficiary information if required.


# payments (session_id = nil, with_virtualbeneficiary: false)
#       session_id: string

response = pis_client.payments 
# OR
response = pis_client.payments "7f47d3675f5d4964bc416b43af63b06e"
# OR
response = pis_client.payments "7f47d3675f5d4964bc416b43af63b06e", with_virtualbeneficiary: true

POST /refund

Initiates a refund. If the amount is not specified, refunds the total.


# refund (session_id, amount = nil, user_id = nil))
#       session_id: string
#       amount: number
#       user_id: string

response = pis_client.refund "7f47d3675f5d4964bc416b43af63b06e", 5.75, "8886aaa4-527d-4253-8951-a07d8bf4cf52"

POST /request-to-pay

Creates a request to pay that merchant can then share by link, mail or sms to a customer for asynchronous payment.


# refund (payload, x_language, redirect_uri = nil)
#       payload: {}
#       x_language: string
#       redirect_uri: string

response = pis_client.request_to_pay payload, 'fr', "https://www.my-redirect-uri.fr"

GET /settlements

Get the details of all settlements or of a specific settlement.


# settlements (settlement_id = nil, include_payments = false)
#       settlement_id: string
#       include_payments: boolean

response = pis_client.settlements
response = pis_client.settlements "127335fdeb073e0eb2313ba0bd71ad44"
response = pis_client.settlements "127335fdeb073e0eb2313ba0bd71ad44", true


AIS client properties


GET /connect

Get a connect session for a PSU to create a connection that will enable access to AIS features.


# connect (state, redirect_uri, scope = nil)
#       state: string
#       redirect_uri: string
#       scope: string

response = ais_client.connect "my-state", "https://www.my-redirect-uri.fr"

When you follow the returned url, you'll be redirect with "customer_id" & "code" parameters

customer_id = "fa51058b5f8306f1e048f1adda5488a9"
code = "f66ec660b0bbd2797bf6847fb4b98454"

Access token

Returns the token and store it in the client for future requests.


ais_client.generate_token code

Refresh token

Returns the token and store it in the client for future requests. If you do not pass the refreshtoken as a parameter, the client refreshtoken will be used.


# generate_refresh_token (refresh_token = nil)
#       refresh_token: string


GET /authorize

Authenticates your customer to their Bank for AIS access


# authorize (app_id_auth: false, provider_id:, redirect_uri:, state: nil, x_psu_id: nil, x_psu_ip_address: nil)
#       app_id_auth: boolean
#       provider_id: string
#       redirect_uri: string
#       state: string
#       x_psu_id: string
#       x_psu_ip_address: string

response = ais_client.authorize app_id_auth: false, provider_id: "agfbfr", redirect_uri: "https://www.google.fr", state: "ok", x_psu_id: "123456", x_psu_ip_address: ""

GET /accounts

Get all accounts linked to a specific AIS connection.


# accounts (customer_id:, account_id: nil, remove_nulls: nil, withBalances: nil)
#       customer_id: string
#       account_id: string
#       remove_nulls: boolean
#       withBalances: boolean

response = ais_client.accounts customer_id: customer_id, account_id: nil, remove_nulls: nil, withBalances: nil

GET /transactions

Get all transactions linked to a specific AIS connection for a specific account.


# transactions (customer_id:, account_id:, remove_nulls: nil, convert_dates: nil, filters: nil)
#       customer_id: string
#       account_id: string
#       remove_nulls: boolean
#       convert_dates: boolean
#       filters: {}

transactions_filters = {
  "filter[date_to]": "2020-01-01",
  'filter[date_from]': "max" # Date or 'max'
response = ais_client.transactions customer_id: customer_id, account_id: "b71722204d1a3f5ecd895", remove_nulls: true, convert_dates: true, filters: transactions_filters

GET /accountholders

Retrieves all personal information of the client such as name, address and contact details for all the beneficiary owners.


# account_holders (customer_id:, remove_nulls: nil)
#       customer_id: string
#       remove_nulls: boolean

response = ais_client.account_holders customer_id: customer_id, remove_nulls: true

DELETE /customer

Deletes all active access tokens and all PSU data linked to requested connection.


# account_holders (customer_id:)
#       customer_id: string

response = ais_client.delete_customer customer_id: customer_id


Use the PIS client to get ressources. The "generate_token" step is not needed for this calls

GET /providers


# providers (provider_id: nil, paramsProviders: nil)
#       provider_id: string
#       paramsProviders: string

paramsProviders = {
    'filter[country]': 'FR',
    'filter[pis]': 'SEPA',
    'filter[ais]': 'Accounts',
    'filter[psu_type]': 'retail',
    'filter[auth_model]': 'redirect',
    'sort[name]': 'DESC',
    'sort[full_name]': 'DESC',
    'sort[country]': 'DESC',
    'sort[provider_id]': 'DESC'
response = pis_client.providers provider_id: 'agfbfr', paramsProviders: paramsProviders

GET /applications


# applications ()

response = pis_client.applications

API Errors handling

Hash version

    pis_client.refund "7f47d3675f5d4964bc416b43af63b06e", 1
rescue => e
    error = JSON.parse e.to_s
    puts error
    "type"=>"Fintecture api",
            "title"=>"Invalid Token",
            "message"=>"The token is either invalid or expired."
    "error_string"=>"\nFintecture server errors : \n status: 401 \n code: unauthorized\n id : 3006ddbf-2f97-44d8-9f63-35711b78e8a6\n\n   code: invalid_token\n   title: Invalid Token\n   message: The token is either invalid or expired.\n\n"

Text version

    pis_client.refund "7f47d3675f5d4964bc416b43af63b06e", 1
rescue => e
    error = JSON.parse e.to_s
    puts error['error_string']
Fintecture server errors :
 status: 401
 code: unauthorized
 id : 2adb9e35-ff0d-4477-959e-b1b1a7d7c812

   code: invalid_token
   title: Invalid Token
   message: The token is either invalid or expired.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Fintecture/fintecture-sdk-ruby. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GPL-3.0 License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Fintecture project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.