This gem provides TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineMax, TimelineLite, and the GSAP jQuery plugin in uncompressed format for your Rails 3.1 (or newer) application.

gem install greensock-rails -v


Greensock JS for Rails

This is a Ruby gem for adding the free version of the great Greensock JavaScript tweening engine to Rails, so that you can animate the hell out of your RESTful app :)

Gem Version

What this gem contains

Please note that this gem only contains the free version of Greensock - no premium plugins are included. For more information about Club Greensock and premium plugins please visit

greensock-rails on RubyGems


Using the command line:

$ gem install 'greensock-rails'

In the Gemfile:

gem 'greensock-rails'


The gem is using the uncompressed GSAP files, so that you can debug your code in development mode and let the Rails assets pipeline to handle the minification, compression etc.

To include the required GSAP files in your application, simply require them in application.js:

//= require 'greensock/TweenLite'
//= require 'greensock/easing/EasePack'

To include the GSAP jQuery plugin in your application, use:

//= require 'greensock/jquery.gsap.js'


The versioning of the gem follows the original versioning of GSAP. Minor updates to the gem will increment the minor version counter whilst maintaining the original versioning:

greensock-rails-1.11.4.X = gsap-js-1.11.4


Feel free to open an issue if you find anything that can be improved around the Ruby gem's code.

Please do not open an issue if there is a bug in GSAP itself. Any bugs of the Greensock code should be reported directly to the Greensock team.


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Copyright © 2018, GreenSock. All rights reserved.

Rob P | Freelance interaction designer and developer

Copyright © 2018 The greensock-rails gem was created and has been maintained by Rob Pataki since 2014.