
Gem containing my scripts, tools, and utilities

api, hyperjs, ip, ip-address, movies, network, rest-api, ruby, ruby-script, scripting, stock-market, weather, zsh
gem install jake-scripts -v 2.0.3



Ruby Scripts

A collection of ruby scripts for those who live in the command line.

GitHub release Gem Language license

Stock Finder / Currency Converter / Weather / Movie Search

Install / Setup

Install all the scripts easily as a ruby gem

gem install jake-scripts

Stock Search - Returns current stock information


Weather Search - Returns current weather information based on IP

Uses the APIXU weather api for data based on IP.

Can also have a city passed as an argument to override the IP location.

weather dallas


Movie Search - Uses OMDB API to return movie data

Uses the OMDB API.


Currency Exchange - Returns converted currency based on realtime exchange rates

Uses Fixer.io for exchange data.

Uses Ruby Money for conversion accuracy + currency symbols


API Keys

Users now have the option to set their own API keys through environment variables thanks to sethkrasnianski

export OMDBAPI_API_KEY=key
export APIXU_API_KEY=key

Gems Used

  • Ruby Money - Ruby gem for accurate currency management
  • Monetize - Ruby gem for money object creation

FAQ / Contact

  • If you run into any issues, please open an issue ASAP and we'll work to get it resolved and merged.
  • All Programs are fully functional, with live API keys baked in.
  • Terminal used is Hyper.js -> Background Color: #292937
  • Using Oh-My-Zsh, Robby Russell theme, zsh-syntax-highlighting, and zsh_autosuggestions