
a very simple and minimalistic theme

cocodevienne, jekyll, jekyll-blog, jekyll-template, jekyll-theme, letigre, linux, ruby, rvm, windows
gem install jekyll-theme-buffalo -v 1.0



Build Status

Buffalo, the most minimalist theme ever!

Buffalo is one of the few Jekyll themes that look beautiful without needing any images or any other graphical material. This theme is for people who want a very simple Jekyll theme and do NOT want to spend a lot of time with making a blog post. Here is a list of Buffalo's features:

  • navigation control

  • simple markdown

  • highly customizable

  • very easy to use

  • very easy to install


Required programs:

  • Ruby

  • Gem

  • Jekyll

  • Bundler

Tutorial to get started with Buffalo

  • Run these commands:

    $ mkdir test
    $ cd test
    $ jekyll new mysite
    $ cd mysite
  • Next, open up the file called “Gemfile” and add these lines to the bottom of it!

    gem "jekyll-theme-buffalo", "~> 1.0"
    gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
  • Remove the line that says 'gem “minima”, “~> 2.0”' because we are not going to need it.

  • Next, save the “Gemfile” and run these commands!

    bundle install
    bundle update
  • After that is done edit the file “_config.yml”, delete everything in it and add these lines:

    title: your title # customize this
    description: your description # customize this
    baseurl: "/" # DO NOT TOUCH
    url: "/" # DO NOT TOUCH
    owner: you # customize this
    fandom: your fan community # customize this
    slogan: your slogan # customize this
    topurl: your top-nav url # customize this
    viewer: your text to display posts # customize this
    markdown: kramdown # DO NOT TOUCH
    theme: jekyll-theme-buffalo # activates theme DO NOT TOUCH
    plugins: # DO NOT TOUCH
        - jekyll-feed # DO NOT TOUCH
  • After that is done run these commands!

    $ mkdir _data
    $ touch navigation.yml
    $ cd ..
    $ mkdir about
    $ touch
    $ cd ..
  • Edit the “” as follows:

    layout: post # leave this
    title: ABOUT ME # page title - will appear in tab
    preview: ABOUT
    # BASICS
    Some info about you.
    # INFO
    Some more info about you.
  • Edit and save that.

  • Then open up the “navigation.yml” and write this into it.

    - title: About
      url: /about/
  • Save it and run “bundle exec jekyll serve” in the root directory of “mysite”.

  • Finally open up a browser and head to localhost:4000.

  • If you see something similiar to the screenshots from above, then you have just setup your first Buffalo blog!

  • If you have questions, open an issue.

  • Happy coding!


Version 1.0.0:

  • fixed pre-release bugs

  • optimization for Ruby

  • initial release


  • If you have questions, open an issue!

  • If you want to contribute, make a PR!

  • If you do not know how to use a Jekyll theme, look it up! :)
