
Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Jets

gem install jetpacker -v 0.5.0




This is a fork of rails/webpacker with hacks to get darn webpacker to work with the Jets framework. Credit goes to the original authors of the webpacker gem:

  • David Heinemeier Hansson
  • Gaurav Tiwari

Looking for maintainers to help with asset compiling for jets. webpacker seems to be the current preferred solution for compiling assets. The JavaScript world is a bit all over the place though 😱 Unsure if there is a better approach and will consider them. Feel like this current approach is a bit madness 😂

Summary of Changes

Summarizing the changes because they're impossible to remember 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Comment out require "webpacker/railtie"
  • Replace Rails.env with Jets.env
  • Replace Rails.root with Jets.root
  • Add back rake_tasks.rb because the Jets CLI uses it create the webpacker rake tasks
  • add Jets.version to info command
  • Fix generators by using Rails::Generators::AppGenerator directly instead of bin/stubs
  • 2 separate versions: Jetpacker::VERSION and Webpacker::VERSION
  • Default extract_css: true

Happy Hackin' 😁 Tung

Branches and Tags

Here's info on the git branch and tags strategy.

  • the latest upstream webpacker version that has been merged back in is v5.2.1
  • master: jetpacker fork with latest changes
  • forkpoint-1: git tag of point at which forked from rails/webpacker and original changes were made. For diff: git diff forkpoint-1..v0.2.0
  • rails git origin: upstream origin with rails/webpacker origin

Upgrade Notes

If you run bundle so that jetpacker is updated. IE:

bundle update
# or
bundle update jetpacker

You can update the webpacker-related files with:

jets webpacker:install

Then update the manually the environment.js


const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack')
environment.plugins.prepend('Provide', new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
  $: 'jquery',
  jQuery: 'jquery',
  Popper: ['popper.js', 'default']

module.exports = environment

This adds jquery so the crud.js works.

Original README