
Scrival Editors

gem install scrival_editors -v 0.0.7


Scrivito Editors

Gem Version Code Climate Dependency Status Build Status

The Scrivito Editors gem is a collection of useful standard JavaScript editors based on the Scrivito SDK. The editors allow to edit all CMS attributes in place and provide helper for the property view of pages and widgets. A resource browser is also part of the gem, to add, update and delete resources.

Installation and Usage

Please visit our Documentation to get the latest installation and usage information.


See Changelog for more details.


We would be very happy and thankful if you open new issues in order to further improve Scrivito Editors. If you want to go a step further and extend the functionality or fix a problem, you can do so any time by following the steps below.

  1. Fork and clone the Scrivito Editors GitHub repository.

    git clone
    cd scrivito_editors
  2. We suggest using rbenv for managing your local Ruby version. Make sure to use at least Ruby version 2.0.

    ruby --version
  3. Create your feature branch and create a pull request for the develop branch. Please take a look at the already existing generators and rake tasks to get an impression of our coding style and the general architecture.

  4. We are using the GitHub Styleguides and would prefer if you could stick to it.


Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Infopark AG (

This software can be used and modified under the LGPL-3.0. Please refer to for the license text.