Fabrik is a factory for your ActiveRecord models.
It's designed to be used in both your test cases and in your database seeds.
And I think the API is pretty nice and the code is pretty simple.
Database seeds are great.
Screwed up your development database? Just drop it, rebuild it and load in your starting data.
Added a new feature and want to show people what it looks like? Add some new records into your seeds, run them, then you've got a nice set of demo data, all pre-loaded.
For this to work, seeds need to be idempotent. When you run your seeds against a database with existing data, it should only insert the new stuff, leaving the old untouched.
Fabrik does this.
I love RSpec. Other test frameworks (cough; minitest) are available.
And if you're writing Rails apps, your tests or specs are, most likely, going to be using ActiveRecord models which end up hitting the database. That's just how Rails works, no matter what the isolationists say.
So, when setting up your test fixtures, you want to set up the smallest amount of data to prove your case.
And, because tests are documentation, you want that setup to be there, next to the test code, so anyone reading it can understand how everything hangs together.
Fabrik does this.
Fabrik allows you to configure three aspects of how you create your objects.
When you're writing a spec, you probably only care about one aspect of the model involved.
So Fabrik allows you to set default attributes; then when you're creating a model, you can specify the ones you're interested in and ignore all the rest.
db.configure do
with Person do
defaults first_name: -> { "Alice" }, last_name: -> { Faker::Name.last_name }, age: -> { 33 }
@alice = db.people.create last_name: "Anteater"
puts @alice.first_name # => Alice
puts @alice.last_name # => Anteater
puts @alice.age # => 33
When you've got a database packed with existing data, you don't want your seeds to fail because of a uniqueness constraint. Or your tests to fail because suddenly they're finding two records when they were only expecting one.
So Fabrik lets you define what makes a model unique. Then when you create it, it checks for an existing record first and only creates a new one if the original is not found.
db.configure do
with Person do
search_using :email
@alice = db.people.create first_name: "Alice", last_name: "Aardvark", email: "alice@example.com"
@zac = db.people.create first_name: "Zac", last_name: "Zebra", email: "alice@example.com"
@alice == @zac # => true
puts @zac.first_name # => Alice
Some models are special. They can't live on their own. Their invariants won't let them. Maybe a Company
cannot exist without a CEO
. While your main application logic can ensure that's always the case, when you're writing your tests, it becomes a pain specifying it over and over again.
So Fabrik lets you define specific processing that happens after a new record is created.
db.configure do
with Company do
defaults name: -> { Faker::Company.name }
after_create do |company, db|
db.employees.create company: company, role: "CEO"
with Employee do
defaults first_name: -> { Faker::Name.first_name }, last_name: -> { Faker::Name.last_name }, role: -> { "Cleaner" }
db.companies.create name: "MegaCorp"
puts Company.find_by(name: "MegaCorp").employees.size # => 1
You've created a load of models. And you need to reference them to create more models. You could search for them by hand, but that's for chumps.
So Fabrik let's you give your models a label. And then refer back to that model using the label.
db.people.create :alice, first_name: "Alice"
puts db.people[:alice] # => Alice
You've got a load of models in your application. Fabrik allows you to configure some rules for each one. But not all of them need special processing. Why waste your time telling Fabrik about all these classes when you've got more important things to do?
So Fabrik takes a guess at any names you give it and tries its best to figure out which class you mean.
class Intergalactic::Spaceship < ApplicationRecord
# whatever
db.intergalactic_spaceships.create :ufo
puts Intergalactic::Spaceship.count # => 1
Or maybe you're writing a Rails engine and all your classes are namespaced. Typing long names is so boring.
So Fabrik lets you register an alternative name for your classes.
db.configure do
with MyAccountsPackageEngine::Invoice, as: :invoice do
defaults due_date: -> { 7.days.from_now }
db.invoices.create :overdue_invoice, due_date: 1.day.ago
Add standard_procedure_fabrik
to your Gemfile
bundle add standard_procedure_fabrik
If you're only using it for tests, add it to your test
group. If you're using it for seeds, add it with all your other gems. While you're at it, add Faker as well - at the very least, it will probably make you smile with some of the stuff it generates for your test data.
Create an instance of a Fabrik::Database, configure it and use it.
db = Fabrik::Database.new
db.configure do
with Person do
defaults first_name: -> { Faker::Name.first_name }, last_name: -> { Faker::Name.last_name }, email: -> { Faker::Internet.email }
db.people.create :alice, first_name: "Alice"
In an RSpec:
RSpec.describe "Whatever" do
let(:db) { Fabrik::Database.new }
before do
db.configure do
# ... whatever
In a minitest ... I don't know, I've not used minitest in years but I'm sure it's easy enough.
Configure the global Fabrik::Database
, then use it.
Fabrik.configure do
with Person do
defaults first_name: -> { Faker::Name.first_name }, last_name: -> { Faker::Name.last_name }, email: -> { Faker::Internet.email }
Fabrik.db.people.create :alice, first_name: "Alice"
Watch out - because this uses a global instance, it's not thread-safe. That's not an issue if you're just using it for database seeds or in most test runners(single-threaded or parallelised with multiple processes). But it might cause problems if you're using threads to parallelise your tests, or you're reconfiguring while your application is running.
Important note: this gem is not under the MIT Licence - it's under the LGPL. This may or may not make it suitable for your use. I have reasons for this, which don't belong in a README. But the net result is, this library is open-source, it's free software and you can license your own code any way you want. But if you change this code, you have to publish those changes under the same rules.
So, fork the repo, bundle install, add RSpecs for the changes you want to make and rake spec
to run the tests. Then send me a pull request. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/standard-procedure/fabrik.
Don't be a dick.
If you think you're being reasonable but most people think you're being a dick, then you're not being reasonable, you're actually being a dick.
We're not computers - we're human beings. And human beings are soft, squishy and emotional. That's just how it is.