
The yui gem provides a Ruby API to drive graphical (Qt, Gtk) or text-mode (ncurses) UIs with libyui

gem install yui -v 1.0.0


LibYUI - The Language Bindings

Build Status

Libyui is a widget abstraction library providing Qt, GTK and ncurses frontends. Originally it was developed for YaST but it can be used in any independent project.

The libyui library is written in C++, but this part contains bindings for other programming languages like Perl, Ruby or Python.

Ruby Notes

The API tries to follow these Ruby standards:

  • Containers do not implement iterators but:
    • each
    • to_a
    • etc
  • lower_case_methods instead of camelCaseMethods


Libyui uses CMake, driven by a slightly complex set of CMakefiles. For reproducible builds it is best to use the libyui-rake Ruby gem like the Jenkins CI jobs do.

It can be installed from rubygems.org using this command (Ruby needs to be installed in the system):

gem install libyui-rake

Then to build the package run:

rake osc:build