A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers.

database, mongodb, mongodb-connector, perfect, server-side-swift, swift


Perfect - MongoDB Connector

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This project provides a Swift wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers.

This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project. It was written to be stand-alone and so does not require PerfectLib or any other components.

Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift 3.0 tool chain.

OS X Build Notes

This package requires the Home Brew build of mongo-c.

To install Home Brew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

To install mongo-c:

brew install mongo-c

Linux Build Notes

Ensure that you have installed libmongoc.


Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.

.Package(url:"", versions: Version(0,0,0)..<Version(10,0,0))

Quick Start

The following will clone an empty starter project:

git clone
cd PerfectTemplate

Add to the Package.swift file the dependency:

let package = Package(
 name: "PerfectTemplate",
 targets: [],
 dependencies: [
     .Package(url:"", versions: Version(0,0,0)..<Version(10,0,0)),
     .Package(url:"", versions: Version(0,0,0)..<Version(10,0,0))

Create the Xcode project:

swift package generate-xcodeproj

Open the generated PerfectTemplate.xcodeproj file in Xcode.

The project will now build in Xcode and start a server on localhost port 8181.

Important: When a dependancy has been added to the project, the Swift Package Manager must be invoked to generate a new Xcode project file. Be aware that any customizations that have been made to this file will be lost.

Creating a MongoDB connection and query a collection

In Xcode, open Sources/PerfectTemplate/main.swift, and update the code to the following:

import PerfectLib

// Initialize base-level services

// Add routes

do {
    // Launch the HTTP server on port 8181
    try HTTPServer(documentRoot: "./webroot").start(port: 8181)
} catch PerfectError.networkError(let err, let msg) {
    print("Network error thrown: \(err) \(msg)")

Create a new file at the same level as main.swift, called routingHandlers.swift


  • add the import directives for PerfectLib and MongoDB connector;

  • add some testing routes;

  • register the routes with Perfect.

import PerfectLib
import MongoDB

func addURLRoutes() {
    Routing.Routes["/test" ] = testHandler
    Routing.Routes["/mongo" ] = mongoHandler

// Register any handlers or perform any one-time tasks.
public func PerfectServerModuleInit() {

Note that the two routes are handed off to functions.

The function handling the “/test” url simply return some “Hello, World!” JSON.

func testHandler(request: WebRequest, _ response: WebResponse) {
    let returning = "{Hello, World!}"
    response.appendBody(string: returning)

More information is available in the “URL Routing” example (

A sample MongoDB handler function would be as follows:

func mongoHandler(request: WebRequest, _ response: WebResponse) {

    // open a connection
    let client = try! MongoClient(uri: "mongodb://localhost")

    // set database, assuming "test" exists
    let db = client.getDatabase(name: "test")

    // define collection
    guard let collection = db.getCollection(name: "testcollection") else {

    // Here we clean up our connection, 
    // by backing out in reverse order created
    defer {

    // Perform a "find" on the perviously defined collection
    let fnd = collection.find(query: BSON())

    // Initialize empty array to receive formatted results
    var arr = [String]()

    // The "fnd" cursor is typed as MongoCursor, which is iterable
    for x in fnd! {

    // return a formatted JSON array.
    let returning = "{\"data\":[\(arr.joined(separator: ","))]}"

    // Return the JSON string
    response.appendBody(string: returning)

For detailed information about the MongoDB connector check out the Perfect-MongoDB project from GitHub and view the latest generated documentation at /Perfect-MongoDB/docs/index.html

Repository Layout

We have finished refactoring Perfect to support Swift Package Manager. The Perfect project has been split up into the following repositories:

  • Perfect - This repository contains the core PerfectLib and will continue to be the main landing point for the project.
  • PerfectTemplate - A simple starter project which compiles with SPM into a stand-alone executable HTTP server. This repository is ideal for starting on your own Perfect based project.
  • PerfectDocs - Contains all API reference related material.
  • PerfectExamples - All the Perfect example projects and documentation.
  • PerfectEverything - This umbrella repository allows one to pull in all the related Perfect modules in one go, including the servers, examples, database connectors and documentation. This is a great place to start for people wishing to get up to speed with Perfect.
  • PerfectServer - Contains the PerfectServer variants, including the stand-alone HTTP and FastCGI servers. Those wishing to do a manual deployment should clone and build from this repository.
  • Perfect-Redis - Redis database connector.
  • Perfect-SQLite - SQLite3 database connector.
  • Perfect-PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL database connector.
  • Perfect-MySQL - MySQL database connector.
  • Perfect-MongoDB - MongoDB database connector.
  • Perfect-FastCGI-Apache2.4 - Apache 2.4 FastCGI module; required for the Perfect FastCGI server variant.

The database connectors are all stand-alone and can be used outside of the Perfect framework and server.

Further Information

For more information on the Perfect project, please visit