
An angular module for authentication

authentication, angularjs
bower install angular-simple-auth#1.2.0


Simple Auth For Angular

This project provides an AngularJS 1.X module to manage authentication in a web application.

The philosophy of this project is that you code the web application and your REST endpoints without worrying about security. And when it works, you add a filter on the server side responsible for authentication, and this module on the client side to add authentication on your requests.

This module is based on HTTP. It requires that your server answers with a 401 status when authentication is needed. And it MUST use the Authorization header coming from the client to authenticate requests.


There are several components in this module, each is here to help you add authentication to your app:

  • HTTP interceptor it is responsible for adding the Authorization header, and to detect when login should be shown to a user
  • simpleAuthProvider Used for configuration, and internally by the other components, this component is responsible for session management
  • LoginCtrl Controller for login, all is here, you just have to create the view
  • LogoutCtrl Controller for logout. All is here
  • showIfAuth Directive A directive that you can use. It works as ng-show for when a user is authenticated
  • Default routes Two routes are registered automatically: /login and /logout


How can you use this module? It's as easy as 4 steps: installation, configuration...


This module is provided as a bower component. Installing it is as easy as:

bower install angular-simple-auth#1.2.0 --save

If you use yeoman and its angular generator, the script tags should be generated automatically for you. If not, you have to include 3 files (this module and its dependencies):

<script src="bower_components/base64-angular/dist/base64-angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-local-storage/angular-local-storage.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-simple-auth/dist/angular-simple-auth.min.js"></script>


Here's how this module can be configured

angular.module('myApp', ['simpleAuth'])
  .config(['simpleAuthProvider', function(simpleAuthProvider) {
      .getToken( function(username, password) {
        var $http = angular.injector(['ng']).get('$http');
        return $http
          .post('/api/sessions', {
            'username': username,
            'password': password
          .then( function(response) {
            var data =;
            return [data.token, { 'user-id': data.userId }];
  • Mandatory:
    • authorizationName: The scheme of the authorization: 'Authorization: '
    • getToken: A function used to retrieve the token for authentication. It should return a promise that resolves to an array containing at least one element: the token. The second element can be an object that will indicates what other elements should be stored locally for the session duration.
  • Optional:
    • redirectAfterLogin: the route to which redirect after a successful login
    • redirectAfterLogout: the route to which redirect after logout

Login form

You must create the login view in the file views/login.html. The form should bind to two scope variables: username and password. Finally the login button must call the login() method.

User's session

There's a simili of user session that one can use. In the previous configuration an additional value was stored in the session with the key user-id. To use it in your application, all you ahve to do is to add simpleAuth as your controller dependency and call simpleAuth.getParam('user-id').


This project is givent to the public domain. You're free to do whatever you want with it.


When contributing code, you must specify that you give your work to the public domain without condition. We accept Pull Requests that are automatically mergeable and that respect the formatting of the project (there is a .editorconfig file that your IDE/text editor can use).