
Minimal Javascript Framework that allow to assemble SPAs using different micro libraries

javascript, framework
bower install assemblyjs#v0.0.2



Minimal Javascript Framework that allow to assemble SPAs using different micro libraries.

What is AssemblyJS?

AssemblyJS is a minimal set of libraries trying to honor the framework definition: the scaffolding that surround your product. AssemblyJS is modular by nature and It's build from the ground up to give you the freedom to decide swapping a specific implementation at need.

Sandbox Pattern

AssemblyJS is based on the Sandbox Pattern (N. Zakas[1] and Eric Shepherd[2]). The main difference from other implementation (e.g. Maurizio Pedriale's Core-Sandbox-Module-JS[3]) rely on the use of a module system: in our case cujojs/curl[4].

We anyway felt free to take the initial inspiration but go a little bit further building AssemblyJS.

Both the framework life-cycle and the Module life-cycle rely on promises (provided by the[5] library.

Single Page Application architecture

AssemblyJS architecture diagram


Generally speaking Plugins are AMD modules exposing some utilities or services.

The following example is a Plugin that expose a sum function to the outside world. It return the result of the sum of two parameters a and b in form of a Promise. To do that the Promises module is imported throug the define statement. In case the value of the parameter is lower than 10 the Promise will be rejected, otherwise the Promise will be fullfilled.

define(['bower_components/assemblyjs/dist/promises.js'], function( Promises ) {

  function _sum(a, b) {
      var promise = new Promises.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        if (a < 10) {
          setTimeout(function () { resolve(a + b) }, 100);
        else {
          reject('a must be  < 10');

      return promise;

  var SumPlugin = {
    sum: _sum,

  return SumPlugin;

Of course Plugins could expose complex functionalities. In general Service maps very well as a concept with Plugins.

Plugins are exposed to the framework after the install phase (see: Framework Life cycle). It is possible to configure a plugin to be automatically exposed to the Sandbox.


As said before AssembyJS allows to work with the Sandbox Pattern. The Sandbox patter is a thin layer existing betwen the Framework Core and each Module, so that a Module is aware only of the functionalities exposed in the Sandbox.

During the install phase of the Framework it is possible decide which Plugins are automatically exposed throug the Sandbox. Remember: each modules will communicate with the outside world only through the Plugins exposed in the Sandbox.



The framework's life cycle

The folowing represents the state diagram of the framework lifecycle:

AssemblyJS state diagram

When the application starts the AssemblyJS framework is idle in an uninstall state. TBD

AssemblyJS promised operation sequence diagram

Modules' life cycle


Framework and Modules life cycles

The following diagram illustrates the combined life cycle of the framework and the modules.

AssemblyJS lifecycle - sequence diagram

Things that worth to be noted:

  1. All the operations on the framework and the modules return a promise that can be resolved or rejected;
  2. All those promises can be sync (rsvp automatically wrap sync operations inside a Promise) or async without changing the contract;
  3. All those promises are chainable together in sequence of operations.
  4. After the install phase the plugins are ready to be used by the framework and the hosting application. They are also available to modules if the corresponding flag was set.
  5. After the start phase the modules passed to the start command are started accordingly: usually your application is up and running.

Application bootstrapping


AssemblyJS public methods







[1] Nicholas Zakas' Core-Sandbox-Module

[2] Building a JavaScript Module Framework at Gilt

[3] Maurizio Pedriale's Core Sandbox Module Implementation

[4] cujojs' curl

[5] tilde' rsvp.js