
Facebook connect cordova plugin one-click login and registration support for Meteor via Asteroid

asteroid, facebook, facebookconnect, cordova, meteor
bower install asteroid-facebook-connect#0.0.5



This package adds a meteor method Asteroid.loginWithFacebook that allows one-click facebook login and/or registration.

It has been designed for use with the facebook connect cordova plugin and is as such implementing support around the response given by that cordova plugin.

See client.js for the client-side patch necessary to use this package from asteroid.

You should load this one instead of the one prescribed by asteroid for facebook. The one asteroid docs tells you to use is not for facebook-connect (native facebook login) but for oauth (web browser popup), which is not desired in mobile apps.


For Meteor

meteor add keyvan:asteroid-facebook-connect

For Clients

bower install --save asteroid-facebook-connect

Add <script src="bower_components/asteroid-facebook-connect/client.js"></script> after asteroid scripts.


From your code, using your asteroid instance, simply call asteroid.loginWithFacebook() which is a promise.

Asteroid will emit login / logout events as normal. Users will be created or updated in your database. Everything works as it should.

If there are any issues, please feel free to fork & PR.