
Simple cross platform (cordova, node-webkit) TAFFYdb wrapper to extend it with the functionality to load an existing db and automatic save after changes.

node-webkit, cordova, TAFFYdb, taffy, database
bower install dica-developer-db#1.0.0



Simple cross platform (cordova, node-webkit) TAFFYdb wrapper to extend it with the functionality to load an existing db and automatic save after changes. It uses dica-developer-fileutil for storing the database files. The database will be persisted 10 seconds after the last database update. On database initialisation it first will be looked if the database file already exists and if yes then it will be loaded if not then a new empty database will be created. Any error on initialization of an existing database will lead to the creation of a new empty database.

The cordova implementation depends on the plugin org.apache.cordova.file.


method parameter Usage
Db.save() To explicitly persist the database to disk.
Db(databaseName, initReadyCallback, cacheSize) databaseName ... the name of the database as String
initReadyCallback ... callback on successfull initialisation of the database as function
cacheSize ... the number of elements to keep in cache as number
Create a database with the given values for name and cache size.
Db.query() See the http://www.taffydb.com/ query object documentation for more details. Contains the TAFFYdb object. Documentation to TAFFYdb can be found under http://www.taffydb.com/


bower install https://github.com/Dica-Developer/db.git or bower install dica-developer-db


On including the file lib_db.js an object Db will be added to the global window object. The database object can be found under window.dica.Db.

To init a database with name bookStore and a cache for 10000 elements you can use the following example:

var db = new window.dica.Db('bookStore', function() {
  console.log('Database successfully initialized.');
}, 10000);

To persist the database explicitly you can call:
