
AngularJS directive for snap.js

bower install jkurz_angular-snap#v1.4.1


Angular Snap.js Build Status

Angular directive for Snap.js.

What is it?

A wrapper around snap.js for AngularJS plus some handy angular-specific styles to make everything work out of the box.

How do I get it?

If you're using bower as a package manager you're in luck:

bower install --save angular-snap

You may also grab the built files directly from the dist repo, or build this project with grunt:

grunt dist

Directives Usage

This package provides a snap module which you'll need to add as a dependency to your app, i.e.

angular.module('myApp', ['snap']);

The snap module provides a handful directives: snap-drawers, snap-drawer, snap-content, and snap-toggle.


Tack this onto the element containing your navigation content:

<div snap-drawer>
  <p>I'm a drawer! I maybe I've got some sweet navigation links.</p>

It can be an element level directive too if you're into that sort of thing:

  <p>I'm a drawer! I maybe I've got some sweet navigation links.</p>

By default drawers show up on the left side of the page, pass the parameter right to get a right-aligned drawer:

<div snap-drawer="right">
  <p>Hi! I'm a right-aligned drawer!</p>


Multiple drawers must be wrapped in an element sporting the snap-drawers directive:

<div snap-drawers>
  <div snap-drawer>
    I'm a left drawer!
  <div snap-drawer="right">
    I'm a right drawer!

Just like snap-drawer this also comes in element flavor:

    I'm a left drawer!
  <div snap-drawer="right">
    Heads up! Only the attribute level directive can be on the right (right now)

Actually, all snap-drawer elements must be wrapped in a snap-drawers element. This just happens behind the scenes when you have a single drawer.


Your main content goes here, this is the stuff you slide left or right to make your snap-drawers visible.

Note that the angular-snap styles do not give snap-content a background color.

<div snap-drawer>...</div>

<div snap-content>
  <p>Hello! I'm your main content!</p>

And this is cool too:


  <p>Hello! I'm your main content!</p>


You can pass initialization parameters to the Snap constructor :

angular.module('myApp', ['snap'])
  .config(function(snapRemoteProvider) {
    snapRemoteProvider.globalOptions.disable = 'right';
    // or
    snapRemoteProvider.globalOptions = {
      disable: 'right',
      // ... others options

You can also use the snap-options attribute on the same element with the snap-contents directive.

In your controller:

$scope.opts = {
  disable: 'right'

In your view:

<snap-content snap-options="opts">...</snap-content>

The snap-content directive will watch your snap-options object for runtime changes and update itself as you make them.


You may want to have more than one snap-content on the page at once. To distinguish between them you'll need to use the snap-id attribute. This should evaluate to string.

  foo drawer

<snap-content snap-id="'foo'">
    bar drawer

  <snap-content snap-id="'bar'">
    bar stuff


You can use the snap-id attribute with single snapper setups too if you're into naming things.


Used to easily make a button toggle the snap status.

<button snap-toggle="left">Toggle Snap</button>

Note that the default value for snap-toggle is left. Set it to right to toggle the right drawer.

The directive will honor a snap-id attribute when present to explicitly tie it to a snapper instance.

By default mouseup and mousedown events are suppressed on elements with this directive to prevent a race condition with Snap.js's tap-to-close behavior. In practice this means you will not be able to drag a drawer open by starting your drag on a toggle button. If you want to keep mouseup and mousedown events use the snap-unsafe flag:

<button snap-toggle snap-unsafe="true">Toggle Snap</button>


Used to easily make a button to close the opened drawer.

<button snap-close>Close Snap</button>

The directive will honor a snap-id attribute when present to explicitly tie it to a snapper instance.


Used to designate a specific element your the drag area. This will disable dragging outside the attached element. Available as an element level or attribute level directive.

  Drag here to open your drawer!

Dragging here does nothing!

Use snap-id if you have multiple snappers on the page. Note that you can only have a single dragger per snap-content.



The "remote control" if you will. This service gives you programmatic access to the snapper instance. Check out the Snap.js docs for all the fancy things you might want to do with your snapper instance.

The snapRemote service provides these handy methods:


Returns a promise to a snapper instance:

snapRemote.getSnapper().then(function(snapper) {
  // Do something with snapper

You may optionally pass an id string corresponding to the snap-id of one of your snap-contents.

snapRemote.register(snapper[, snapIdl])

Used internally to register snapper instances with this service. You could use this method if you were creating your own snapper instance but that's not super likely if you're already working with angular-snap.js.

You may optionally pass an id string to register this snapper instance. You will need to use the same id with other snapRemote methods and the directives which allow for a snap-id attribute.

snapRemote.toggle(side[, snapId])

Toggles the open/closed state of your drawer, side should be either "right" or "left".

You may optionally pass an id string corresponding to the snap-id of one of your snap-contents.

snapRemote.open(side[, snapId])

Opens the drawer on "side" if it isn't already open. I.e. snapRemote.open('left') will slide your content to the right, thereby opening the left hand drawer.

You may optionally pass an id string corresponding to the snap-id of one of your snap-contents.


Closes the drawer if it's open.

You may optionally pass an id string corresponding to the snap-id of one of your snap-contents.


An injectable copy of window.Snap. This is also available as a provider if you want to provide you own Snap construtor, users pulling in Snap.js with a module loader might find this useful.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['snap']);

myApp.config(function(SnapConstructorProvider) {

// Now SnapConstructor is injectible and works just like window.Snap


Check out our gh-pages. The source is not minified.

Here are some plunks to wet your whistle:

Feel free to open an issue if you'd like to see other demos.

Also, I will maintain a template on plnkr.co that can be used for reporting issues and building examples.


  • Why does the stuff in my drawers show through my actual content? This repo tries not to force more styles on you than it must, that includes a background color on your snap-content element. If that element has a transparent background the drawers will likely show through. Notice that most of the examples here give the snap-content element some background color. Check out this plunk.

  • Where are the built files? They are here, tagged by version.

Getting Help

Use the tag angular-snap on Stack Overflow. For quick things I can be reached on twitter @jusrussell. A plunk/jsbin/fiddle is worth a thousand words.


Copyright 2013 Justin Russell @jusrussell

Licensed under the MIT License