
Load images asynchronously with ease.

jQuery, image, load, asynchronous
bower install jquery-image-loader#v1.1.4


jQuery image loader

Load images asynchronously with ease. This plugin seeks for all images with data-src attributes inside a wrapper or run the plugin on an image tag itself.

The data-src attribute will be copied to the src attribute, which gives you enough feedback to get a good grip on the situation.


  • imgLoadedClb - Triggered when an image is loaded. ('this' is the loaded image
  • allLoadedClb - Triggered when all images are loaded. ('this' is the wrapper in which all images are loaded, or the image if you ran it on one image)
  • imgErrorClb - Triggered when the image gives an error. Useful when you want to add a placeholder instead or remove it. ('this' is the loaded image)
  • noImgClb - Triggered when there are no image found with data-src attributes, or when all images give an error. ('this' is the wrapper in which all images are loaded, or the image if you ran it on one image)
  • dataAttr - The data attribute that contains the source. (Default: 'src')

How to use?


<div class="images">
  <img data-src="link-to-image.jpg" alt="">
  <img data-src="link-to-image.jpg" alt="">
  <img data-src="link-to-image.jpg" alt="">

Javascript to load images inside a wrapper

  imgLoadedClb: function(){},
  allLoadedClb: function(){},
  imgErrorClb:  function(){},
  noImgClb:     function(){},
  dataAttr:     'src'

Javascript to load one image

$('.images img').first().loadImages({
  imgLoadedClb: function(){},
  allLoadedClb: function(){},
  imgErrorClb:  function(){},
  noImgClb:     function(){},
  dataAttr:     'src'

Demo time!
