
A jQuery add-on that makes creating plugins a little easier.

jquery, plugin, utility
bower install jquery-plugincreator#v1.0.1


jQuery PluginCreator v2.0.0

A jQuery plugin for creating stateful, extensible jQuery plugins using ES6


  1. Introduction
  2. Why v2.x?
  3. Requirements
  4. Usage
  5. The jQuery.addPlugin API
  6. The jQuery.fn.yourPlugin API
  7. The jQueryPlugin class
  8. Tests


jQuery PluginCreator is a small JavaScript library that can be used in conjunction with jQuery to easily create jQuery plugins.

Creating a plugin with PluginCreator is pretty easy, you simply implement your plugin as an ES6 class extending the jQueryPlugin class exported by PluginCreator. PluginCreator creates a new jQuery plugin function that can be executed against jQuery selections to instantiate the class against selected elements.

Plugins created using PluginCreator can also be extended using standard ES6 inheritance semantics to implement new plugins that extend functionality in the base plugin.

Why v2.x?

v2.x of jQuery PluginCreator was initiated in order to simplify the project and leverage the simplified inheritance scheme provided by ES6.

v1.x implemented a custom single-inheritance scheme along with a number of additional features that allowed for some more complex behaviours including post-definition patching of plugin members and plugin instance members. This scheme was implemented using the esprima library and, as a whole, worked fairly well. It has seen production usage and generally does the job, albeit with a few caveats.

Going forward, however, the desire was to reduce the amount of custom implementation code and capacity to engage in funny business while also bringing the project as a whole closer to the ES6 way of doing things. Thus, v2.x was born.


jQuery PluginCreator can be used in any of the following JavaScript environments:

  • Browser
  • Browser + AMD (RequireJS, curl.js, etc)
  • Browser + CommonJS
  • Browser + ES6 Modules

In order to make use of jQuery PluginCreator you will need jQuery. For a browser environment, any recent version should do the trick.



<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.plugincreator.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

class myPlugin extends $.addPlugin.jQueryPlugin {
    member1() {
        // Do something

$.addPlugin(myPlugin, {
    defaultSomething1: "a string",
    defaultSomething2: 10


Browser + AMD

define(["jquery", "jquery.plugincreator"], function ($, pluginCreator) {
    class myPlugin extends pluginCreator.jQueryPlugin {
        member1() {
            // Do something
    $.addPlugin(myPlugin, {
        defaultSomething1: "a string",
        defaultSomething2: 10

Browser + CommonJS

var $ = require("jquery"),
    pluginCreator = require("jquery.plugincreator");
class myPlugin extends pluginCreator.jQueryPlugin {
    member1() {
        // Do something

$.addPlugin(myPlugin, {
    defaultSomething1: "a string",
    defaultSomething2: 10

Browser + ES6 Modules

import addPlugin, { jQueryPlugin } from "jquery.plugincreator";

class myPlugin extends pluginCreator.jQueryPlugin {
    member1() {
        // Do something

addPlugin(myPlugin, {
    defaultSomething1: "a string",
    defaultSomething2: 10

The jQuery.addPlugin API

jQuery PluginCreator extends the global jQuery object with the following function:

addPlugin(pluginClass, defaults={})

The addPlugin function accepts two parameters, one of which is optional.

The first parameter must be a class that inherits from the jQueryPlugin class, the second is an optional plain object of default values to be available on the options member of instances of the class plugin.

When called, addPlugin generates a new function attached to the jQuery.fn object. This function is attached using the name property provided by the plugin class. Thus, a plugin class defined as class myPlugin extends jQueryPlugin {} will be bound to jQuery.fn.myPlugin when passed in to the addPlugin function.


To aid development in environments that don't support ES6 modules, the jQueryPlugin class is also made available as a property of the addPlugin function that is bound to jQuery.

The jQuery.fn.yourPlugin API

Once the jQuery.addPlugin function has been used to attach a new plugin, that plugin can be accessed as normal using the jQuery.fn.NAME object and applied to jQuery selections using the standard jQuery("selector").NAME() method:

jQuery.fn.NAME(options, ...args)

A string or plain object.


Additional parameters may be passed to jQuery.fn.NAME and will be passed on to the plugin processing logic and from there to any plugin instance member functions or constructors called.

Function behaviour

The base plugin function which can be used to instantiate plugin instances or interact with existing plugin instances.

When jQuery.fn.NAME is called on a given jQuery selection it does the following:

  1. If the selection contains exactly 1 element, it returns the result of executing the plugin processing logic on that element. This allows a call to like jQuery("#your-element").yourPlugin("getInstance") to work as expected. In instance where a call like jQuery("#your-element").yourPlugin("yourMethod") would return no value or return the undefined value then the return value will be the jQuery selection, preserving the jQuery chaining effect.

  2. If the selection does not contain exactly 1 element and...

    a. options === "map", it applies the plugin processing logic to the selection using the map operation, returning the resultant selection. This output selection can be converted to a standard Array by applying the get operation on the selection. When applying the plugin processing logic the initial options value of "map" is discarded. The next argument is considered to be the options value and any further arguments are treated as additional parameters.

    b. options !== "map", it applies the plugin processing logic to the selection using the each operation, returning the selection as expected.

The plugin processing logic does the following:

  1. Attempt to retrieve plugin instance associated with input element.
  2. If an instance is found and options is a string and instance[options] is a function, treat the call to jQuery.fn.NAME as an attempt to call a member function on the plugin instance. The member function, instance.[options] is called and any additional parameters supplied to jQuery.fn.NAME will be passed to the member function being called. If options is not a string or instance[options] is not a function, a jQueryPluginCreatorError exception will be thrown.
  3. If no instance is found, instantiate a plugin instance on the element using the contents of the options parameter to override values supplied by jQuery.fn.NAME.defaults to the plugin instance. Additionally, any additional parameters supplied to jQuery.fn.NAME will be passed in to the init member function of the plugin instance. The plugin instance is associated with its parent element using a data attribute of the form data-jquery-plugincreator-NAME. The instantiated plugin is returned, allowing plugin instantiation on single-element selections to be used for assignments.

The defaults supplied to addPlugin. This is exposed in order to allow the key-value pairs stored to manipulated.

The jQueryPlugin class

The jQueryPlugin class provides a base for stateful jQuery Plugins. The following methods are provided by the jQueryPlugin class:

constructor(element, defaults={}, options={})

The default constructor performs a number of important set-up tasks for a plugin instance.

It binds this.element to element, this.context to jQuery(element) and this.options to the result of mering options over defaults.

While it is possible to override the constructor method, it is not recommended. Rather, implement your initialization code in the init method. If you must override constructor, ensure you call the ancestor constructor to preserve initialisation behaviour.


The default init method does nothing. If you wish to perform custom initialization it should be implemented by overriding this method.

Although the default method accepts no parameters you can provide ones when you override it.


The getInstance method exists in order to allow for jQuery usage such as let pluginInstance = jQuery("#something").myPlugin("getInstance").


This method can be used to updated the data stored in this.options for a plugin instance. The jQuery.extend function is used to perform this update with the recursive merge option enabled.


The destroy method is essentially a destructor, albeit one that needs to be manually called. The default implementation does the following:

  1. Triggers an event named jquery-plugincreator-NAME.destroy on this.context
  2. Removes the jquery-plugincreator-NAME class on this.element
  3. Removes the jquery-plugincreator-NAME data associated with this.element
  4. Removes the data-jquery-plugincreator-NAME attribute on this.element

If you override this method, you should ensure you call through to the ancestor destroy function to ensure it the method continues behave as expected by users.


In order to run the tests you will need to checkout the project source, execute npm install in the source root and then run npm run-script test.