
jQuery repeating fields. Includes the ability to add and remove fields and keeps up with ID and name incrementing. Easy Peasy.

Repeating, Repeater, JQuery, Fields, Add, Field, Remove
bower install jquery-repeater#1.0.3


Bower version GitHub issue

JQuery Repeater

jQuery repeating fields. Includes the ability to add and remove fields and keeps up with ID and name incrementing. Easy Peasy. Requires class.js which is included in the bower_components folder if you're not using Bower.


Check out the demo here: http://cdn.rawgit.com/incraigulous/jquery-repeater/master/demo.html

How to use it

Instantiate a new Repeater class and pass in your element. You can also pass an options object as your second parameter but this is optional.

//All options are optional.
    new Repeater($('.repeatable'), {
        addSelector: '.repeater-add', //The css selector for the add button.
        addSelectorOut: false, //If add button outside repeater-wrap.
        removeSelector: '.repeater-remove', //The css selector for the remove button.
        withDataAndEvents: false, //Should data and events on repeatable sections be cloned?
        deepWithDataAndEvents: false, //Should data and events of repeatable sections descendants be cloned?
        addCallback: function(){}, //A callback function that generated repeatable sections will be passed into.
        wrapperHtml: "<div class='repeater-wrap'></div>" //HTML for an element to wrap all repeatable sections in.

How to install it

Download or clone it from directly from Github or install via Bower:

bower install jquery-repeater