
A simple jQuery paginator plugin

jquery-plugin, pagination, paginator
bower install jquery.paginator#v0.0.3


jQuery paginator

A very basic jQuery "pagination" plugin.

Don't expect too much, work in progress.

Example usage:

<div id="container">
  <ul class="inline noitem">
    <li><button data-js="prev">Prev</button></li>
    <li><button data-js="next">Next</button></li>
  <div class="sep"></div>

  <ul id="items"></ul>

  <p data-js="pagination"></p>

<script type="text/template" id="tpl-item">
  <li><span class="item-name">{{name}}</span>
    <span class="item-price">{{price}}&euro;</span></li>
var $container = $('#container')
  , $placeholder = $container.find('#items')
  , tpl = Handlebars.compile($('#tpl-item').html());

  items:        [],            // List of items to render (optional)
  placeholder:  $placeholder,  // If specified will be used to render the collection items  (optional)
  itemsPerPage: 5,             // Number of items to display per page (default 5),
  template:     tpl,           // The template function to be used for rendering items
  change: function (data) {}   // A handler which will be invoked on update (optional)

You can also use an existing D.O.M. element instead of a template if you need to.

  placeholder: $items,
  useDom: true,
  itemsPerPage: 3,
  change: function (data) {}

Examples are provided in html files as well as in the test directory.

Installation etc...

  • Make sure you have Node.js installed

  • Install required npm and Bower dependencies

    npm install

  • Run the tests with

    npm test

  • Lint the source with

    npm run lint

  • Generate a minified version with

    npm run uglify
