
jQuery plugin to create fully customizable sliders

slidizle, slider, jquery
bower install jquery.slidizle#1.3.20


jQuery.slidizle (1.3.23)

This plugin allows you to create fully customizable slider. Slidizle is focused on managing your slider by just applying some classes on each of your html elements so you can have the full control over your slider look.


You can download or clone the repo, or just use bower like this

bower install jquery.slidizle


You can find some demos here : http://olivierbossel.github.io/slidizle/

Get Started

First, you need to include the scripts and css in your page

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.slidizle.js"></script>

The html part

You will need some html to describe your slider. This can be fully changed. You will just need the different slidizle attributes...

<div class="my-cool-slider" data-slidizle>

    <ul class="my-cool-slider-content" data-slidizle-content>
        <li class="my-cool-slide">
            Hello world
        <li class="my-cool-slide">
            Hello world
        <li class="my-cool-slide">
            Hello world

    <ul class="my-cool-navigation" data-slidizle-navigation>
        <!-- automagically filled with some li for your navigation -->
        <!-- can be custom too (cf. sample index.html) -->

    <button class="my-cool-next-button" data-slidizle-next>Next</button>
    <button class="my-cool-previous-button" data-slidizle-next>Previous</button>


The javascript part

Then, you have multiple options to use slidizle :

Use as a normal jQuery plugin

This is of course a jQuery plugin, so you can use it as it

jQuery(function($) {

    // init slidizle on all data-overlizle elements
    var $sliders = $('[data-slidizle]').slidizle();

    // you can pass options directly at instanciation like this
    var $sliders = $('[data-slidizle]').slidizle({
        pauseOnHover : true,
        timeout : 5000
        // etc...

// use the api through jquery element

// get the api from element and use it :
var api = $sliders.filter(':first').data('slidizle_api');

Use as an object

You can also use slidizle as a "Class" directly in your javascript code. The dependence to jQuery remain of course...

// instanciate slidizle :
var mySlider = new Slidizle($('#mySlider'), {
    timeout : 5000
    // etc...

// using the api :
mySlider.goto(2); // go to slide with index 2 (mean third slide)
// etc...

The CSS part

This is totally under your control. You just need to know that slidizle will apply the classes described bellow on each elements of your slider.


There are the different classes that are applied on your html

Base classes

  • slidizle : applied on the container
  • slidizle-content : applied on the content container
  • slidizle-slide : applied on each of your slides
  • slidizle-next : applied on the next button
  • slidizle-previous : applied on the previous button
  • slidizle-navigation : applied on the navigation container

These classes are applied at the initialisation

States classes

There classes describe the state of your slider

  • active : applied on the active slide
  • loading : applied on the container and the slide that is currently loading
  • forward : applied on the container when go forward
  • backward : applied on the container when go backward
  • disabled : applied on the next and previous element when need to be disabled
  • played : applied on the container when the slider is in play mode
  • paused : applied on the container when the slider is in pause mode
  • stoped : applied on the container when the slider is in stop mode
  • slide-{index} : applied on the container (slide-0, slide-1, etc...)
  • loaded-slide-{index} : same as slide-{index} but applied only when the slide is loaded
  • first : applied on the first slide
  • last : applied on the last slide
  • previous : applied on the previous slide
  • next : applied on the next slide
  • before-active : applied on all the slides that are before the active one
  • after-active : opposite of before-active


Here's the list of all the available options :

classes : {

    // class applied on content wrrapper
    content                 : 'slidizle-content',   

    // class applied on next navigation element     
    next                    : 'slidizle-next',          

    // class applied on previous navigation element
    previous                : 'slidizle-previous',          

    // class applied on all slides that are before the active one
    beforeActive            : 'before-active',

    // class applied on all slides that are after the active one
    afterActive             : 'after-active',

    // class applied on the next active slide
    nextActive              : 'next',

    // class applied on the previous active slide
    previousActive          : 'previous',

    // class applied on container when the slider is in forward mode
    forward                 : 'forward',

    // class applied on container when the slider is in backward mode
    backward                : 'backward',           

    // class applied on navigation element
    navigation              : 'slidizle-navigation',            

    // class applied on timer element
    timer                   : 'slidizle-timer', // not documented       

    // class applied on each slide
    slide                   : 'slidizle-slide',         

    // class applied on the next and previous navigation, or the all slider when disabled
    disabled                : 'disabled',               

    // the class applied on container when the slider is at his first slide
    first                   : 'first',

    // the class applied on container when the slider is at his last slide
    last                    : 'last',

    // the play class applied on the container
    play                    : 'played',             

    // the pause class applied on the container
    pause                   : 'paused',             

    // the stop class applied on the container
    stop                    : 'stoped',             

    // an class to access the slider
    slider                  : 'slidizle',               

    // the className to add to active navigation, slides, etc...
    active                  : 'active',             

    // the className to add to the slider and slides when it is in loading mode
    loading                 : 'loading'             

// the slider interval time between each medias
timeout                 : null,

// set if the slider has to make pause on mouse hover
pauseOnHover                : false,                        

// set if the slider has to go next on mouse click
nextOnClick                 : false,                        

// set if the slider has to go first item when next on last
loop                    : false,                        

// set if the slider has to play directly or not if a timeout is specified
autoPlay                : true,                     

// activate or not the keyboard
keyboardEnabled             : true,                     

// activate or not the touch navigation for mobile (swipe)
touchEnabled                : true,                                         

// specify if need to load the next content before the transition
loadBeforeTransition            : true,                         

// specify if the slider is disabled or not (can be a function that return true or false)
disabled                : false,

// callback when the slider is inited
onInit                  : null,                     

// callback when a slide is clicked
onClick                 : null,                     

// callback before the slider change from one media to another
beforeChange                : null,

// callback when the slider change from one media to another
onChange                : null,                     

// callback after the slider change from one media to another
afterChange                 : null,

// callback before the slider begin to load the slide
beforeLoading               : null,

// callback during the loading progress
onLoading               : null,

// callback after the slider has loaded the next slide (before the actual change)
afterLoading                : null,

// callback when the slider change for the next slide
onNext                  : null,                     

// callback when the slider change for the previous slide
onPrevious              : null,                     

// callback when the slider change his state to play
onPlay                  : null,                     

// callback when the slider change his state to pause
onPause             : null,                     

// callback when the slider resume after a pause
onResume                : null          

All the options can be set directly on the DOM element using the pattern : data-overlizle-{option-separated-with-dash}="{value}"

<div data-slidizle data-slidizle-pause-on-hover="true" data-slidizle-classes-loading="myLoadingClass">
  <!-- slider content here... -->


Slidizle provide some attributes that you need to apply on your different html elements in order to describe it. Here's the list

  • data-slidizle-content : has to be applied on the element that contains your slides (slides need to be direct childs)
  • data-slidizle-navigation : applied on the element where you need (or have) your navigation
  • data-slidizle-next : make the marked element a trigger to go to the next slide
  • data-slidizle-previous : make the marked element a trigger to go to the previous slide
  • data-slidizle-slide-id="..." : link a slide with a navigation element (cf the doc bellow)
  • data-slidizle-timeout="..." : has to be applied on a slide to specify a custom timeout (milisecond)


Slidizle trigger some events that you can catch to make what you want at certain point of the code execution

  • slidizle.init : when ready
  • slidizle.beforeChange : before the change happens
  • slidizle.change : when change to another slide
  • slidizle.afterChange : after the change has been done
  • sliditle.beforeLoading : before the loading of next slide is launched (if loadBeforeTransition is at true)
  • sliditle.onLoading : during the loading of next slide (if loadBeforeTransition is at true)
  • sliditle.afterLoading : after the loading of next slide is launched (if loadBeforeTransition is at true)
  • slidizle.next : when go to the next slide
  • slidizle.previous : when go to the previous slide
  • slidizle.play : when pass in play mode
  • slidizle.pause : when pass in pause mode
  • slidizle.resume : when the slider get out of pause
  • slidizle.stop : when pass in stop mode
  • slidizle.click : when clicked on a slide


Slidizle expose a simple but powerful api :


Go to next slide


Go to previous slide

goto( id )

id : can be an index of slide, an id (#myCoolSlide) or an slide-id (cf doc)

Go to a certain slide.

gotoAndPlay( id )

Same as goto but launch a play after

gotoAndStop( id )

Same as goto but launch a stop after


This method is used to play the slider. This wotks only if a timeout is specified in settings


Pause the slider


Stop the slider


Switch between play and pause state


Return the current slide


Return the next slide


Return the previous slide


Return the previous active slide


Return all the slides


Return the loading progress of the next slide (will return 0 is the loadBeforeTransition setting is at false)


Return the remaining timeout until the next slide change (only if a timeout is specified in settings)


Return the current timeout in ms since the slide is active (only if a timeout is specified in settings)


Return the time that the active slide has to be displayed (only if a timeout is specified in settings)


Return true if is the last slide active


Return true if is the first slide active


Return if the slider has to loop or not


Return if the slider is in play state


Return if the slider is disabled or not


Return if the slider is in pause state


Return is the slider is in stop state


Return if the mouse if hover the slider


Return the settings of the slider

Advanced usage

These are some useful advanced usage of slidizle

Custom navigation

By default, slidizle will populate your data-slidizle-navigation with the corresponding child on witch the attribute is applied. But if this element is not empty, slidizle will take your elements as navigation.

<div class="my-cool-slider" data-slidizle>

    <ul class="my-cool-slider-content" data-slidizle-content>
        <li class="my-cool-slide">
            Hello world
        <li class="my-cool-slide">
            Hello world
        <li class="my-cool-slide">
            Hello world

    <ul class="my-cool-navigation" data-slidizle-navigation>
        <li>Navigation item 1</li>
        <li>Navigation item 2</li>
        <li>Navigation item 3</li>


By default, the element at index 0 will twigger the slide at index 0, etc... You can change that by using the data-slidizle-slide-id attribute like this

<div class="my-cool-slider" data-slidizle>

    <ul class="my-cool-slider-content" data-slidizle-content>
        <li class="my-cool-slide" data-slidizle-slide-id="my-first-slide">
            Hello world
        <li class="my-cool-slide" data-slidizle-slide-id="my-second-slide">
            Hello world
        <li class="my-cool-slide" data-slidizle-slide-id="my-third-slide">
            Hello world

    <ul class="my-cool-navigation" data-slidizle-navigation>
        <li  data-slidizle-slide-id="my-second-slide">Navigation item 1 that trigger slide 2</li>
        <li data-slidizle-slide-id="my-first-slide">Navigation item 2 that trigger slide 1</li>
        <li data-slidizle-slide-id="my-third-slide">Navigation item 3 that trigger slide 3</li>
