
OAuth 2.0 implementation in Javascript

oauth, authentication, authorization, openid, connect, api, rest, javascript, oauth2, sso
bower install jso#v4.0.2


JSO – OAuth 2.0 Client with Javascript

Build Status

JSO is a simple and flexible OAuth javascript library to use in your web application or native mobile app.

JSO is provided by UNINETT AS, a non-profit company working for educational and research institutions in Norway.


  • Implements OAuth 2.0 Implicit Flow.
  • Can also be used with OpenID Connect.
  • ES6 compatible loading via npm/webpack
  • Also included a UMD-bundled version in the dist/ folder
  • No server component needed.
  • Can handle multiple providers at once.
  • Uses HTML 5.0 localStorage to cache Access Tokens. You do not need to implement a storage.
  • Can prefetch all needed tokens with sufficient scopes, to start with, then tokens can be used for requests later. This way, you can be sure that you would not need to redirect anywhere in your business logic, because you would need to refresh an expired token.
  • Excellent scope support.
  • Caches and restores the hash, your application will not loose state when sending the user to the authorization endpoint.
  • Provided with easy to use fetch() wrapper that takes care of all you need to get the token, and then returns the API data you want
  • Experimental feature: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow.
  • Experimental feature: Jquery.ajax()-wrapper, if you have jquery loaded, and does not want to require or polyfill fetch

How to use

Install using npm:

npm install jso --save

If you use webpack or similar it is recommended to import the needed components like this:

import {JSO, Popup} from 'jso'

let config = {...}
let j = new JSO(config)

To load the javascript, you could use the distributed UMD module:

<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/jso.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var config = {...}
	var j = new jso.JSO(config)

The same bundle is available through CDN:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/jso/dist/jso.js"></script>

Initializing the client

To start using JSO, you need to initialize a new JSO object with configuration for an OAuth 2.0 Provider:

let client = new JSO({
	providerID: "google",
	client_id: "541950296471.apps.googleusercontent.com",
	redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/", // The URL where you is redirected back, and where you perform run the callback() function.
	authorization: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
	scopes: { request: ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile"]}

Options to JSO constructor

  • providerID: OPTIONAL This is just a name tag that is used to prefix data stored in the browser. It can be anything you'd like :)
  • client_id: REQUIRED The client idenfier of your client that is trusted by the provider. As JSO uses the implicit grant flow, there is no use for a client secret.
  • authorization: REQUIRED The authorization URL endpoint of the OAuth server
  • redirect_uri: OPTIONAL (may be needed by the provider). The URI that the user will be redirected back to when completed. This should be the same URL that the page is presented on.
  • scopes.require: Control what scopes are required in the authorization request. This list if used when looking through cached tokens to see if we would like to use any of the existing.
  • scopes.request: Control what scopes are requested in the authorization request. When none of the cached tokens will be used, and a new one will be request, the scopes.request list will be included in the authorization request.
  • default_lifetime : Seconds with default lifetime of an access token. If set to false, it means permanent. Default is 3600. This only matters if expires_in was not sent from the server, which should ALWAYS be the case.
  • permanent_scope: A scope that indicates that the lifetime of the access token is infinite. (not well-tested.)
  • response_type: Default response_type for all authorization requests. Default: token. Can be overriden to in example use OpenID Connect
  • debug: Default set to false. Set this to true to enable debug logging to console.
  • request: Optional additional request paramters added to the request. Useful for adding all the available OpenID Connect options

Catching the response when the user is returning

On the page (usually the same) that the user is sent back to after authorization, typically the redirect_uri endpoint, you would need to call the callback-function on JSO to tell it to check for response parameters:


Be aware to run the callback() function early, and before you router and before you start using the jso object to fetch data.

Getting the token

To get an token, use the getToken function:

    .then((token) => {
    	console.log("I got the token: ", token)

You may also ensure that a token is available early in your application, to force all user interaction and redirection to happen before your application is fully loaded. To do that make a call to getToken, and wait for the callback before you continue.

REMEMBER to ALWAYS call the callback() function to process the response from the OAuth server, before you use getToken(), if not you will end up in an redirect_loop

Options to getToken(opts)

  • allowredir: Throw an exception if getToken would imply redirecting the user. Typically you would like to use checkToken() instead of using this.
  • response_type: Override for this specific request.
  • scopes.require: Override for this specific request.
  • scopes.request: Override for this specific request.

As an alternative to getToken(), you can check if the token is available with checkToken().

let token = client.getToken(opts)
if (token !== null) {
	console.log("I got the token: ", token)

Options to checkToken(opts)

  • scopes.require: Override for this specific request.


You may wipe all stored tokens, in order to simulate a logout experience:


Fetching data from a OAuth protected endpoint

JSO provides a simple wrapper around the javascript Fetch API.


// Initialization
let config = {...}
let client = new JSO(config)

// When your application wants to access the protected data
let f = new Fetcher(client)
let url = 'https://some-api.httpjs.net/rest/me'
f.fetch(url, {})
	.then((data) => {
		return data.json()
	.then((data) => {
		console.log("I got protected json data from the API", data)
	.catch((err) => {
		console.error("Error from fetcher", err)

If you would like to ensure that the required access token is obtained earlier than when you would like to access data, you may use getToken() for that, and you do not need to read or process the response.

// Making sure the token is obtained.
// Will redirect the user for authentication if token is not available.
	scopes: {
		request: ["profile", "restdata", "longterm", "email"]
		require: ["profile", "restdata", "longterm"]

The FetcherJQuery is an alternative interface that uses jQuery.ajax() instead of fetch(). Consider the FetcherJQuery beta.

Notice that this class takes the jQuery object as a second argument to the constructor. The fetch options argument is provided as options to jQuery.ajax().

The fetch() function returns a Promise that resolves the response data.

// Initialization
let f = new FetcherJQuery(client, $)
let url = 'https://some-api.httpjs.net/rest/me'
f.fetch(url, {})
	.then((data) => {
		console.log("I got protected json data from the API", data)
	.catch((err) => {
		console.error("Error from fetcher", err)

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow

In the config include these parameters:

	response_type: 'code',
	client_secret: "xxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx",
	token: "https://auth.dataporten.no/oauth/token",

Also be aware that the implementation of this flow uses fetch, to support older browser you would need to polyfill that.

Sending passive OpenID Connect authentication requests using hidden iFrames (Advanced)

If your OpenID Connect provider support passive requests and the enduser is already authenticated with single sign-on, you may obtain an authenticated state using a hidden iframe without redirecting the user at all.

First, you will need a separate redirect page, as the provided example/passiveCallback.html.

let opts = {
	scopes: {
		request: ['email','longterm', 'openid', 'profile']
	request: {
		prompt: "none"
	response_type: 'id_token token',
	redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8001/passiveCallback.html"
	.then((token) => {
		console.log("I got the token: ", token)
	.catch((err) => {
		console.error("Error from passive loader", err)

Making authentication of end user in a popup, avoiding interruption of the state of your web application (Advanced)

If you would like to redirect the end user to login without loosing the state in your web app, you may use a popup window. This

First, you will need a separate redirect page, as the provided example/popupCallback.html.

function authorizePopup() {
	let opts = {
		redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8001/popupCallback.html"
		.then((token) => {
			console.log("I got the token: ", token)
		.catch((err) => {
			console.error("Error from passive loader", err)
$("#btnAuthenticate").on('click', (e) => {

Implementing a custom loader for use with in-app browser (Advanced)

Look at the src/Loaders/*.js files to see how loaders are implemented, and create a custom loader for your use case.

Contributions of loaders for Cordova in-app browser and similar are welcome.

Then use the client.setLoader(Loader) to use the custom loader. Out of the box, JSO comes with:

  • HTTPRedirect - default usage
  • Popup
  • IFramePassive

Using the examples

cd examples
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8990

Then visit http://localhost:8990/


UNINETT holds the copyright of the JSO library. The software can be used free of charge for both non-commercial and commercial projects.

The software is dual-licenced with The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1) and version 3.0; meaning that you can select which of these two versions depending on your needs.

Library size

  • 4.0.0: 12577 bytes
  • 4.0.0-rc6: 12582 bytes
  • 4.0.0-rc4: 12612 bytes

More from Uninett

See also our javascript API mock-up tool https://httpjs.net, and our OAuth play tool https://play.oauth.no.