
A jQuery Plugin to mask email links on your site and protect them from spam bots.

bower install mailmask#v0.1



A jQuery Plugin to mask email links on your site and protect them from spam bots.

What it does

Everything stays the same, except your email are protected from spam bots.

More specific: This plugin takes every email link inside your site and replaces the '@' inside the content and the actual link. Doing so protects the email from being recognized by spam bots. Although the link is replaced the link remains clickable and will trigger a valid email link.


  1. Include jQuery:

    <script src=""></script>
  2. Include plugin's code:

    <script src="dist/mailmask.min.js"></script>
  3. Call the plugin:


3.1 Call the plugin with parameter (optional):

    placeholder: "[at]"


A small demo is found inside the demo folder of the repository.


MIT License © Zeno Rocha