
smart mixins and functions for Less.js

less, mixins
bower install more-or-less#1.3.0



if you need the functions please use homeless instead.
if you need vendor prefixes use

  • autoprefixer
  • or keep using this library. (not recommended)


Build Status Dependencies Status

Faster and more powerful mixins for less.js

Compared to lesshat

                                   MORE-OR-LESS          LESSHAT(2)
Keyframes                               ✓                  ✓
Unlimited gradients                     ✓                  ✓
SVG gradients for IE9                   ✓                  ✓
Font-face                               ✓                  ✓
Input placeholders                      ✓                  ✓
Unlimited transitions                   ✓                  ✓
Prefixed transition values              ✓                  ✓
Units completion                        ✗                  ✓
for loops                               ✓                  ✗
get Index                               ✓                  ✗
in Array                                ✓                  ✗
scoping                                 ✓                  ✗
repeat                                  ✓                  ✗
join                                    ✓                  ✗
time to compile compare file           8s                30.6s

You can find a more detailed documentation here: Documentation

Basic Info




What does this do?

  • It adds some functions and mixins for lessjs
  • It is stronger and a lot faster than lesshat but does NOT USE ANY inline-javaScript
  • It is adds helpul functions
    • .if() (if - then - [else])
    • .scope() (leaner scoping)
    • .index() (find the index of a value in an array)
    • .for() (create a for loop with a callback)
    • .repeat() (repeats a string @n times and returns it with an optional @glue)
    • .join() (joins values from an array with a @glue)
    • .inArray() (checks if a value is in an array and return a boolean)
  • It allows to import reset or normalize
    • @import 'lib/reset'; to import the reset styles
    • @import 'lib/normalize' to import the normalize styles
  • It allows to use "more or less" of the library
    • @import '_more'; to get access to the entire library of mixins
    • 'less/css3/_transition'; to get access to the transition library
  • control prefixes or legacy support with global-variables
  • Add a namespace to avoid conflicts with other libraries


bower install more-or-less

Example for "less" imports

import all transitions

@import 'less/css3/_transition';

.transition(height 100ms linear 100ms);
.transition-property(height, left, top);
.transition-duration(100ms, 200ms, 300ms);
.transition-timing-function(linear, ease-out, ease);
.transition-delay(0ms, 100ms, 300ms);

import transition oneliner only

@import 'less/css3/transition/_transition';

.transtion(height 100ms linear 100ms);

What does this NOT do?

  • clean my apartment
  • eat your time

How mixins are built

Instead of writing redundant code this library offers a pretty complex but well thought through architecture.
This way mixins can easily be created or modified.

Example CSS3 Mixin

@import '../helpers/_prefix';

// box-shadow mixin
.box-shadow(@values...) {
    @vendorPrefixes: -webkit-, -moz-, '';
    @prop: box-shadow;

// border-radius mixin
.border-radius(@values...) {
    @vendorPrefixes: -webkit-, -moz-, '';
    @prop: border-radius;


Instead of auto-prefixing it is advised to use libraries like autoprefixer or similar.
Aaaaanyways... if you want to use auto-prefixing mixins you can use:
@import 'less/_css3'; or it's decendants


// background-image 

    .background-image(linear-gradient(top, #000, #fff));
    .background-image(url('test.png'),linear-gradient(top, #000, #fff));

// border-radius

.border-radius(1px 2px 3px 4px;);

// box-shadow

.box-shadow(1px 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3), 0 1px 2px rgba(255,0,0,0.3););

// linear-gradient (generates svg and old webkit syntax)

.linear-gradient(to bottom, #000, #f00);

// transition (oneline)

.transition(transform 200ms linear 400ms;);

// repeat

& {
    .repeat('.test', ' + ', 5);
    @{string} {
        float: right;

// join

.cats:before {
    @cats: cheetah, tiger, lion;
    .join(@cats, ' & ');
    content: '@{string}';

// if

.if(isnumber(2), {
        log {
            condition: is a number;
        log {
            condition: is not a number;

// scope

.test {
    .scope(a); // no return but no error
    .scope(1); // no return but no error
        @height: 100px;
        height: @height;
        @a: foo;
        @b: bar;
        foo: @a;
        bar: @b;


The mixin call must be wrapped in a selector e.g. &{}.
Using an "&" (ampersand) works fine.

Keyframes INPUT

& {
        0% {
            left: 0;
            @{-}transform: translate(10px, 20px);

        100% {
            left: 100%;
            @{-}transform: translate(100px, 200px);

Keyframes OUTPUT

@-webkit-keyframes testanimation {
  0% {
    left: 0;
    -webkit-transform: translate(10px, 20px);
  100% {
    left: 100%;
    -webkit-transform: translate(100px, 200px);
@-moz-keyframes testanimation {
  0% {
    left: 0;
    -moz-transform: translate(10px, 20px);
  100% {
    left: 100%;
    -moz-transform: translate(100px, 200px);
@keyframes testanimation {
  0% {
    left: 0;
    transform: translate(10px, 20px);
  100% {
    left: 100%;
    transform: translate(100px, 200px);


#more-or.less {
    @import '../_more';

.border-radius {
    #more-or.less > .border-radius(1px 2px 3px 4px);

.box-shadow {
    #more-or.less > .box-shadow(1px 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3), 0 1px 2px rgba(255,0,0,0.3););

.box-sizing {
    #more-or.less > .box-sizing(border-box);



A loop to check if an animal belongs to a group (e.g. Owl = bird + forest, Bear = dangerous + forest).

  • The example source can be found here
  • The example result can be found here