
Role based authentication for angular.js

bower install ng-role-auth#0.0.2


Angular Role Based Authentication

This is a role based authentication module for angular.js. This modules is meant to provide two bits of functionality:

  • Hide UI elements when based on user role and authentication.
  • Block routes from users that do not have the appropriate role.

This module is not meant to provide the authentication mechanism or the resource for learning about the roles. Frankly, I don't want to provide that because it would just make the module more complicated and force you to use something that you probably don't want to use anyway.



This utilizes the angular router (ngRoute), so simply add this module and that module as dependencies.

var app = angular.module("MyAwesomeApp", ["ngRoute", "ngRoleAuth"]);

Then overload the AuthService getRole method. This method should return the role or roles of the current user of the system. You can overload it anywhere, but the run method seems like a good place. Note that you can return a single string or an array of strings for the current role. Also note that if you want to do some async stuff before you can cache the role, it will update the UI with the new role.["AuthService", function(authService){

    auth.getRole = function(){
        return "admin";  // this could also return an array



Routes are very easy to assign roles to. Just set the authorized parameter.

app.config(["$routeProvider", function($routeProvider){
        .when("/admin-route", {
            templateUrl: "partials/admin-route.html",
            authorized: "admin"
        .when("/user-admin-route", {
            templateUrl: "partials/user-admin-route.html",
            authorized: ["user", "admin"]
        .when("/admin-route", {
            templateUrl: "partials/admin-route.html",
            authorized: ["admin"]


Elements are also easy to assign roles to. You simply need to use the nra-auth directive.

<a href="#/admin-route" nra-auth="'admin'">Only shows for Admin</a>
<a href="#/user-admin-route" nra-auth="['admin', 'user']">Shows for both Admin and User</a>


Development should be fairly straightforward. The first time you start do the following:

  1. Grunt, node, and bower are used for linting, building, and minifying. Make sure they are installed on your system.
  2. Install the necessary grunt modules using npm:
    $ npm install
  3. Load the dependencies with bower.
    $ bower install
  4. Kick off grunt. Grunt is used to lint, build, minify, and start a development server on port 9000.
    $ grunt
  5. Now that the development server is running. you can access it at localhost:9000.

The repo is structure in a fairly standard way.

  • ./dist is where the built files live. They are checked in so that we can make useful releases easily.
  • ./src is where the source files live.
  • ./example is where the example application lives. Check it out on the development server by browsing to localhost:9000/example.


BSD 2-Clause -- Do whachya wanna!