
AMD modules and browser globals of Bootstrap 3 components built with React

react, ecosystem-react, react-component, bootstrap
bower install react-bootstrap#v0.32.3


React-Bootstrap Travis npm

Bootstrap 3 components built with React.

Codecov Discord Netlify

Under active development - APIs will change. Check out the 1.0.0 roadmap and contributing guidelines to see where you can help out. Prior to the 1.0.0 release, deprecations or breaking changes will result in a minor version bump.


See the documentation with live editable examples.

Related modules

Local setup

Yarn is the our package manager of choice here. Check out setup instructions here if you don't have it installed already. After that you can run yarn run bootstrap to install all the needed dependencies.

From there you can:

  • Run the tests once with yarn test (Or run them in watch mode with yarn run tdd).
  • Start a local copy of the docs site with yarn start
  • Or build a local copy of the library with yarn run build


Yes please! See the contributing guidelines for details.