
Simple table directive with pagination and sorting for Angular

bower install si-table#0.2.2


SiTable for AngularJS

SiTable is a small, simple, clean and non-intrusive table directive for Angular. It assumes the table data is shown using some ng-repeat directive, and does not use a scope-polluting "configuration object" to create its functionality, which includes:

  • Pagination: pagination of the table with an configurable number of items shown per page, and a configurable number of indices shown in the paginator.
  • Sorting: Table headers can be clickable to support sorting on some property of the repeated data.

The following functionality is easily obtained using clean and simple "Angular ways":

  • Filtering: Use arbitrary Angular filters to filter your data.
  • Formatting: Add formatting to rows, cells or data through filters or other directives, just like you would without SiTable.
  • Remote data: Because SiTable does not use a configuration object or alter your scope, the data can be obtained from arbitrary sources and even updated at arbitrary times. This means fetching data from remote sources is super easy.


SiTable should have a clear, clean, simple and declarative API. It should not add functionality which can be best solved by other means. It should simplify creating large tables without requiring large code changes.



  • With Bower: bower install si-table --save
  • Use si-table.js or si-table.min.js in the dist folder.


To get started, just add si-table as an attribute to the table you want to convert:

<table si-table>
        <th>Real Name</th>
    <tr si-sortable ng-repeat="user in users">
        <td>{{ user.username }}</td>
        <td>{{ user.realName }}</td>

Also add siTable as a dependency to your app:

angular.module('myApp', [

Nothing will appear to have changed at this point.


Add pagination to your table by placing an si-table-pagination element inside the table. A limit attribute decides the number of elements to show per page.

        <td colspan="5">
            <si-table-pagination limit="10" />

The table will now be paginated, and a paginator with links to page indices will appear under the table. You can also specify the number of index links this paginator should have, using an indeces attribute:

<si-table-pagination limit="10" indices="3" />

The paginator will now show 3 indices (numbered links in the paginator).

To customize paginator buttons use first-text, last-text, previous-text and last-text parameters:

    first-text="First page"
    last-text="Last page"
    next-text="»" />

'Select all' checkbox

'Select all' checkbox toggles selected property of each array element on current page.

It automatically becomes checked when all array elements on current page have selected: true and unchecked when at least one of array elements on current page have selected: false.

<table si-table>
        <th>Email address</th>
        <th><input type="checkbox" si-select-all></th>
    <tr si-sortable ng-repeat="email in emails">
        <td>{{ }}</td>
        <td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="email.selected"></td>


Add sorting to a column by specifying the key which the data should be sorted on, in a sort-by attribute on the appropriate th element:

<th sort-by="username">Username</th>
<th sort-by="realname">Real name</th>

You can also sort on some nested key using "dot notation":

<th sort-by="roles.administrator">Is Administrator?</th>

By default, si-table orders data by multiple columns. If you want to change this behavior to single-column sorting, just add ="single" to si-sortable directive:

<tr si-sortable="single" ng-repeat="order in orders">

Set initial sorting with a sort-init attribute:

<th sort-by="username" sort-init="desc">Username</th>

The value of sort-init should be either asc for ascending order, or desc for descending order.


Filtering is not a part of siTable, but can be achieved by adding a filter on the tr's ng-repeat directive:

<tr si-sortable ng-repeat="user in users | myArbitraryFilter">

For example, Angular's built-in filter can be used to filter on all features of the object. Suppose somewhere in the template, an input box is added:

<input type="text" ng-init="userFilter = {}" ng-model="userFilter.$">

The filter can then be used:

<tr si-sortable ng-repeat="user in users | filter:userFilter">


Formatting is not a part of siTable, but can be achieved in many ways. For example:

<!-- conditionally set a class for the `tr` -->
<tr si-sortable ng-repeat="user in users" ng-class="{admin: user.roles.administrator}">
    <!-- data formatting using filter -->
    <td>{{ user.username | lowercase }}</td>
    <!-- using a custom directive -->
    <td><user-badge user="user"/></td>
    <!-- using filter with ng-bind or ng-bind-html -->
    <td ng-bind-html="user.roles.administrator | checkmark"></td>

Remote Data Loaded Once

Fetching remote data is not done by siTable, but can be achieved in an arbitrary way, for example by using $http and attaching the returned data to the scope:

$http.get('/remote/data/users.json').then(function(users) {
    $scope.users = users;

This will load the data exactly once. Pagination and sorting will be done on the already loaded data.

Remote Pagination and Sorting

For large data sets or other reasons, it might make sense to do pagination and sorting on some remote side. For this to work, SiTable needs to know the total number of items in the collection. This information should be given to an si-table-pagination element via the total parameter.

<si-table-pagination limit="10" total="{{ }}"
    offset="params.offset" />

where params is some object on the scope.

Note: Do not specify a total attribute unless pagination and sorting should be done remotely.

The offset-attribute can be used to watch changes in the desired offset for pagination. Offset is specified in number of items in the collection, s.t. the maximum offset is equal to the total - 1.

Note: When the total attribute is specified, no pagination or sorting is done on the client side. This is left to the remote source.

For the controller to know which parameters to sort by on the remote source, use a sorting attribute on the si-table element:

<table si-table sorting="params.sortBy">

Fetching of remote sources is up to the implementation of the controller. An example is given below.

angular.module('myApp').controller(function($scope, $http) {
  var limit = 10;
  var url = '';

  $scope.params = {};

  function getData() {
    $http.get(url, {
      params: {
        'offset': $scope.params.offset || 0,  // server-side pagination
        'limit': limit,
        'order_by': $scope.params.sortBy      // server-side sorting
    }).then(function(ret) {
      $ =; // total items count from server
      $scope.items =;

  // Watch for changes, then load data
  $scope.$watch('params.offset', getData);
  $scope.$watch('params.sortBy', getData, true);

Full example implementation (without sorting) in example.

Tip: Create a model with a method compatible with SiTable to keep your code DRY.

When given full control over the way to fetch data, the developer is free to use his library and model of choice, and can also optimize caching concerns.


SiTable does not add any styling or require CSS files to be present. However, it adds some hooks in the form of classes, so that styling can be done efficiently.


The paginator is an unordered list (ul) of links, where the ul element has a class called paginator.

<ul class="paginator">
    <li><a href>1</a></li>
    <li><a href>2</a></li>

This integrates nicely with Twitter Bootstrap.

Sortable column headers

Sortable column headers are put in an a-element (link), which has a class sort. When active, it additionally has either the class sort-asc or sort-desc, as appropriate.


MIT © Silicon Laboratories, Inc.