
A CSS 3D transformation library

css, ssc, 3d, transformation, matrix, transform
bower install ssc#1.0.0



A CSS 3D transformation library.


  .translate( 42, 69, 99 )
  .rotate( [ 0, 0, 1 ], Math.PI / 4 )
  .scale( 2, 2 )
  .changeOrigin('bottom right')


ssc( elem:Element|Selector, cacheHint:Object ):CSSMatrix

This is where the fun begins. Gets or creates the CSSMatrix for the selected element.

When selecting an element that has complex transforms (i.e. rotates+scales or skews) applied by not-this-library, it will help to give SSC hints as to what they were to avoid costly and potentially inaccurate polar decomposition.
For cacheHint, supported values are:

  • rotate - { axis: [ x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ], angle:Number (in radians) }
  • scale - [ x, y, z ]


A CSSMatrix is an immutable representation of a 4x4 CSS transformation matrix. This class inherits from Matrix.

CSSMatrix( matrix:Matrix, origin:Array, elem:Element, cacheHint:Object ):CSSMatrix

  • matrix - a 4x4 Matrix (see below) or 4x4 row-major array that represents the element's transform
  • origin - the transformation origin [ x, y, z ] in pixels
  • elem - the Element to which this transformation matrix will be applied
  • cacheHint - see above


Returns a completely new copy of this CSSMatrix

apply( elem:Element|Selector ):CSSMatrix

Applies this CSSMatrix to the originally selected element or the one provided as an argument.

translate( dx:Number, dy:Number, dz:Number ):CSSMatrix
translate([ dx, dy, dz]):CSSMatrix

Returns a new CSSMatrix that is the result of translating this matrix by dx, dy, dz

setTranslate( x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ):CSSMatrix
setTranslate([ x, y, z ]):CSSMatrix

Returns a new CSSMatrix based on this one, but translated to x, y, z


Returns the translation represented by this CSSMatrix as [ x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ]

scale( dx:Number, dy:Number, dz:Number ):CSSMatrix
scale([ dx, dy, dz]):CSSMatrix

Returns a new CSSMatrix that is the result of scaling this matrix by dx, dy, dz

setScale( x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ):CSSMatrix
setScale([ x, y, z ]):CSSMatrix

Returns a new CSSMatrix based on this one, but scaled to x, y, z.
Note: this will affect any applied rotations


Returns the scale of this matrix as [ scaleX:Number, scaleY:Number, scaleZ:Number ].

rotate( axis:Array, angle:Number ):CSSMatrix

Returns a copy of this matrix rotated by angle in radians around the vector axis [ x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ]

setRotate( axis:Array, angle:Number ):CSSMatrix

Returns a copy of this matrix rotated to angle (in radians) around the vector axis, [ x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ].


Gets the rotation of this matrix. Returns the object:

  • axis - the axis of rotation [ x, y, z ]
  • angle - the angle of rotation in radians

Note: multiple rotations will be decomposed into a single rotation

changeOrigin( x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ):CSSMatrix
changeOrigin([ x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ]):CSSMatrix
changeOrigin( cssString:String ):CSSMatrix

Returns a CSSMatrix with an updated transformation origin without changing the on-screen position.

For a description of the cssString argument option, RTFM!

setOrigin(same args as above):CSSMatrix

Like changeOrigin but does change the on-screen position.


Returns the transformation origin [ x:Number, y:Number, z:Number ].


Polar decomposes this matrix into a unitary rotation matrix and a stretching matrix.
M = UP

Returns the object:

  • u:Matrix - the unitary rotation Matrix (the rotate)
  • p:Matrix - the stretching matrix (the scale)

Note: multiple rotates will be collapsed into one and shear will be lost


Returns a new CSSMatrix with the same element and origin, but with all of the other transformations reset.


Returns the CSS matrix3d string represented by this CSSMatrix.


multply( other:Matrix ):CSSMatrix

Returns a new CSSMatrix that is the result of multiplying this matrix by another Matrix

Matrix( matrix:Array[Array] )
Matrix( n, m )

Creates a new Matrix from a provided 2D, row-major array or a unitary, diagonal matrix of size nxm


Returns a brand-new Matrix that's just like this one except not this one.

get( i:Number, j:Number ):Number

Returns the entry at row i, column j (0 indexed)

set( i:Number, j:Number, elem:Number ):Matrix

Returns a Matrix with the value at [i][j] set to elem

equals( other:Matrix, tolerance:Number ):Boolean

Returns true iff the two matrices are element-wise equal with to a given +/- tolerance

add( other:Matrix ):Matrix

Returns a new Matrix that is this one added element-wise to the other Matrix.

subtract( other:Matrix ):Matrix

Does the opposite of add.

multiply( other:Matrix ):Matrix

Returns the multiplication of this matrix with another as a new Matrix


Returns the determinant of this Matrix


Returns the transpose of this Matrix


Returns the inverse of this Matrix

submatrix( rowRange:Array, colRange:Array ):Matrix

start is zero indexed

  • rowRange - [ start:Number, end:Number ]
  • colRange - [ start:Number, end:Number ]