
Frictionless library to deal with multithread programming in the browser

bower install thread#0.1.13


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thread.js is lightweight, reliable and rich featured library that simplifies JavaScript parallel computing in browser environments through a clean and elegant promise-based API. You can run tasks in real threads in a really simple way, with an elegant programatic aproach and graceful state handling

It provides useful features such as data binding serialization, cross-scope arguments passing, asynchronous tasks, require external scripts in the thread and includes built-in support to create a pool of threads to distribute multiple background tasks across multiple workers transparently using a simple task load availability algorithm

It uses Web Workers to create real threads, but provides fallback support for older browsers based on an iframe hack (now you can be safe in IE9 and other older browsers)

Welcome to the multithreading world in the browser, now made simple, funny and small (5KB gzipped)

Getting started with basic usage, some examples or tests and be aware about threads limitations


Via Bower

bower install thread

Via Component

component install h2non/thread.js

Or loading the script remotely

<script src="//"></script>

Browser Support

Chrome Firefox IE Opera Safari
+4 +3.5 +10 +10.6 +7

Basic usage

If require is available, you must use it to fetch the module. Otherwise it will be available as global

var thread = require('thread')

Create a new thread with custom scope environment and import external libraries

var worker = thread({
  env: { numbers: [1,2,3] },
  require: [

Running a synchronous task in the thread

var task = () {
  return _.sortBy(env.numbers, function (num) {
    return Math.sin(num)

Running an asynchronous task in the thread

var task = (done) {
  doAsyncStuff(function () {
    var sorted = _.sortBy(env.numbers, function (num) {
      return Math.sin(num)
    done(null, sorted)

Consuming the computed result (promise-based API)

task.then(function (array) {
  console.log(array) // -> [3, 1, 2]
}).catch(function (err) {
  console.log('Ups:', err.message)
}).finally(function (result) {
  console.log('Final result:', result) // -> [3, 1, 2]

Note about Internet Explorer usage

Since Microsoft makes a continuous effort to break the Web and its standards, due to a technical limitation in IE 10 and 11, it is required to use an external script to create the thread properly.

You must customize the evalPath option when creating threads from IE. The eval script is located in lib/eval.js

Common example with Bower:

var worker = thread({
  evalPath: '/bower_components/thread.js/lib/eval.js' // default 'lib/eval.js'

If you use full URLs to load the eval script, be aware about cross-origin policy. You must define the CORS headers properly in the server

Web Workers resources

Web Worker limitations

You should be aware of some limitations while using Web Worker (aka threads)

Web Workers are by design strongly isolated. That means each worker has its own isolated scope and memory stack space. In other words, you must explicitly bind values or functions to the thread in order to have access and consum them inside the worker scope. Any passed value to the thread scope will be cloned (it will be passed by value, not by reference), so mutation is not possible between scopes since memory space has no synchronization

If you create a pool of threads, you must consider that threads in the pool are scope-isolated too. In other words, it's not supported scope synchronization between threads in the pool. That's usually positive because you cannot have side-effects between threads, but you should be aware about global scope dependencies and mutation in your code in other to avoid inconsistency between threads

All values binded to the thread must be JSON-serializable, meaning only primitives types, raw objects and functions. Same with return values from threads.

In modern browsers, there is possible to bind complex data type structures to the Worker scope using the Transferable interface which supports the internal structure cloning algorithm. However, there are still some limitations: DOM nodes, native built-in functions and prototypes chains cannot be cloned and therefore, is not possible to bind them to the thread

Additionally, threads do not have access to the DOM API



Return: thread Alias: thread.create

Supported options:

  • env object Custom environment to bind to the isolated thread scope
  • require string|array|object Source path scripts to load or map of values/functions to bind
  • namespace string Global namespace to allocate the scope environment. Default to env
  • evalPath string Path to eval.js script, required in IE 10 & 11. Default to lib/eval.js
  • silent boolean Enable/disable silent mode. If enabled, Worker errors will not throw an exception and you should subscribe to the error event to handle them properly. Default false
  namespace: 'global',
  env: {
    x: 10,
    sqrt: function (n) {
      return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n, n))
  require: [

thread#run(fn, env, args)

Return: task Alias: exec

Run the given function in the thread. You can optionally bind a custom context (as map of values) or passing function arguments (as array) to be injected when the function will be invoked

Bind values must be serializable types (see threads limitations)

Run a function and return the result synchronously (return statement required)

thread().run(function () {
  return 2 * 2
}).then(function (result) {
  console.log(result) // -> 4

Binding a custom context and return the result asynchronously

thread().run(function (done) {
  done(null, this.x * 2)
}, { x: 2 }).then(function (result) {
  console.log(result) // -> 4

Passing arguments and return the result asynchronously

thread().run(function (num, done) {
  done(null, num * this.x)
}, { x: 2 }, [ 2 ]).then(function (result) {
  console.log(result) // -> 4


Return: thread

Create a pool of a maximum number of threads and run tasks across them

It implements a simple best availability scheudle algorithm to transparently distribute tasks across multiple workers. It will only create a new thread if it's required and there is not any other thread available

This feature is still beta and major improvements will be done in future releases. Any feedback will be really appreciated

// create a pool with a maximum of 10 threads
var pool = thread({ env: { users: 2 } }).pool(10)
var count = 1
var maxTasks = 50

function runAsyncTask(num) { (done) {
      countUsers(function (usersLength) {
        done(null, env.users + usersLength)
    }).then(function (result) {
      console.log('Task:', num)
      console.log('Result:', result)
      console.log('Used threads:', pool.threadPool.length)
      if (count++ === maxTasks) {
        console.log('Tasks finished')
        pool.kill() // kill all the threads in the pool
  }, Math.random() * 1000)

while (var i = 0; i < maxTasks) {
  i += 1


Return: thread Alias: set

Bind a map of values to the isolated thread scope. You can do the same passing an object via thread#require()

Passed values will be exposed in the global namespace (default to env)

var task = thread().bind({
  num: 4,
  list: [3,2,1],
  defer: function (fn) {
    setTimeout(fn, 1)
}) (done) {
  env.defer(function () {
    done(null, env.list.reverse().push(env.num))
}).then(function (result) {
  console.log(result) // -> [1,2,3,4]


Return: thread Alias: import

Load remote scripts from a valid URL, bind an object or functions to the thread isolated scope. Passed values will be exposed in the global namespace (default to env)

Importing a remote script

  .run(function () {
    return typeof hu === 'object'
  }).then(function (exists) {
    console.log(exists) // -> true

Or multiple scripts


Binding custom objects and primitives types (does the same as bind())

  list: [1,2,3,4,5],
  name: 'John',
  age: 28,
  time: new Date().getTime()

Binding functions

  defer: function (fn) {
    setTimeout(fn, 1)
  transform: function (arr) {
    return arr.reverse().filter(function (num) {
      return num > 1 && num < 100

Bind values will be available in the global namespace object (default to env)


Return: thread

Flush the thread cached memory and scope environment.

var worker = thread({ env: { x: 2 } })
console.log(Object.keys(worker.options.env).length) // -> 1
console.log(Object.keys(worker.options.env).length) // -> 0


Return: thread

Flush running tasks promises and clean cached values

var worker = thread()
console.log(worker.pending()) // -> 1
console.log(worker.pending()) // -> 0


Return: thread

Send a message directly to the current thread. Useful for specific use cases, but it's preferably do not use it directly. Use the run() abstraction instead

Be aware about passing non-serialize data types such as native JavaScript objects, DOM nodes, objects with self-references... (see threads limitations)

var worker = thread()
worker.send({ type: 'msg', data: 'hello world' })


Return: thread Alias: terminate

Kill the current thread. All the cached data, scope environment and config options will be flushed, including in worker isolated scope

It's recommended you explicit kill any unused thread in order to avoid memory issues in long term computations

var worker = thread() () {


Return: thread

Start (or restart) the current thread. If the thread was previously killed, you can reuse it calling this method

var options = { env: { x: 2 } }
var worker = thread(options)
worker.kill() // explicit kill
worker.start(options) // explicit re-start, passing the same options


Return: number

Return the pending running tasks on the current thread

var worker = thread()
var task =
worker.pending() // -> 1
task.then(function () {
  worker.pending() // -> 0


Return: boolean

Return true if the current thread has running tasks

thread().run(longAsyncTask).running() // -> true
thread().run(tinySyncTask).running() // -> false


Return: boolean Alias: sleeping

Return true if the current thread is in idle state.

A thread will be considered in idle state if its latest executed task exceeds from the idleTime. By default, the idle time will be 30 seconds

var worker = thread()
worker.idleTime = 1000 // set max 1 second
var task =
setTimeout(function () {
  // after idle time exceeds, the thread will be in idle state
  worker.idle() // -> true
}, 2000)


Type: boolean

Expose the thread run state

thread().terminated // -> false
thread().kill().terminated // -> true

thread#on(type, handler)

Return: thread Alias: addEventListener

Add a custom worker event handler. By default you don't need to handle events directly, use it only for exceptional specific purposes

Supported event are:

  • error
  • message

thread#off(type, handler)

Return: thread Alias: removeEventListener

Remove a worker event listener. It's required to pass the original handler function in order to remove it


Type: number Default: 0

The maximum amount of time that a task can take in miliseconds. If the task computation time exceed, it will be exit as error.

By default this feature is disabled in order to avoid unnecessary computations

This value will be applied to every task which runs in the current thread or a pool of threads

var worker = thread()
worker.maxTaskDelay = 1000 (done) {
  setTimeout(done, 2000)
}).catch(function (err) {
  console.log(err.message) // -> task execution time exceeded


Type: number Default: 30000

The minimum time in milliseconds that a thread is considered in sleeping (idle) state


Type: boolean

Check if the current thread instance is a pool of threads

var pool = thread().pool(2)
pool.isPool // -> true

thread.Task(thread [, env])

Return: task

Create a new task in the given thread

Normally you don't need to call it directly, it will done via factory

var worker = thread({ env: { x: 2 }})
var task = new thread.Task(worker, { y: 2 }) () {
  return env.x * this.y
}).then(function (result) {
  console.log(result) // -> 4

Task#then(successFn [, errorFn])

Return: task Alias: success

Add success and error (optionally) result handlers for the current task

var worker = thread()
vas task = new thread.Task(worker) (result) {


Return: task Alias: error

Add an error handlers for the current task

var worker = thread()
vas task = new thread.Task(worker) (err) {


Return: task Alias: finish

Add a final handler for the current task. It will be ejecuted when the task finished with success or error state

var worker = thread()
vas task = new thread.Task(worker) (result) {


Return: task

Bind custom map environment to the current task scope

var worker = thread()
vas task = new thread.Task(worker)
task.bind({ x: 2 }) () {
  return this.x * 2
}).then(function (result) {
  console.log(result) // -> 4


Return: task

Flush cached result data and set the initial task state

var worker = thread()
vas task = new thread.Task(worker)
task.flushed() // -> true


Return: boolean

Return true if task data was already flushed

Static members


Return: array

Return an array of created threads (running and idle)

Return: number

Return the total number of created threads (running and idle)


Return: array

Return an array with all created threads


Return: array

Return an array of the running threads (are processing one or more tasks)


Return: array

Return an array of the idle threads (thread which has no execute tasks for a long time)


Alias: terminateAll

Kill all the created threads (under active or idle state)


Alias: terminateIdle

Kill all the threads under idle state


Flush the built-in threads store manager (but they will not be killed)


Type: string

Current library semantic version


Wanna help? Cool! It will be appreciated :)

You must add new test cases for any new feature or refactor you do, always following the same design/code patterns that already exist


Only node.js is required for development

Clone the repository

$ git clone && cd thread.js

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Generate browser bundle source

$ make browser

Run tests

$ make test

See the examples

$ ./node_modules/.bin/http-server


MIT © Tomas Aparicio