
A simple library for sending GET/POST requests and parsing jsons, included with an async file downloader. Intended for mostly small projects which need to make quick GET/POST requests or download files.

file_downloader, requests


A simple library, written in rust for sending GET/POST requests, included with an async file downloader. Intended for mostly small projects which need to make quick GET/POST requests or download files.

src/ is for the manual tests I did while coding the src/

This repository will be used in an even larger upcoming project of mine

Update v0.1.7

Added a new xml file parser (work in progress.)



Test function which sends a synchronous get request to any api and returns a response object which can be then parsed into json

Recommended to use the requests_rs::requests::api_referencer::get_and_save_json function instead of this.


Sends a get request to an api ,parses the json response and returns the json object

Example 1

use requests_rs::requests::api_referencer::get_and_save_json;

get_and_save_json("", true, false).expect("Some error message!")

Having save=true will parse the json value and save it to a json file.

Having silent_mode=false will pretty-print out the json response(Useful for debugging purposes?).

This function is asynchrounous so many get requests can be sent at a time.


Sends a get request to an xml file url and then returns it as a string.

Example 1

use requests_rs::requests::api_referencer::get_and_save_xml;

let xml_data = get_and_save_xml("").expect("Some error message!");

println!("{}", xml_data);


Sends a POST request to any api and returns the response json object

Example 1

use requests_rs::requests::api_referencer::print_and_post_json;

print_and_post_json("", "path/to/json_file", true)

If silent_mode is set to true then the function will silently send a POST request and return the response json object

If set to false then the function will send a POST request and pretty print out the response json, alongside returning > it as a value as well


Downloads any file asynchronously

use requests_rs::requests::file_downloader::async_download_file;

async_download_file("https://download-the-file.exe", "your_download_path").expect("Some error message")