
🏷 Open Graph data parser used to generate link previews




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This framework is part of Wire iOS. Additional documentation is available in the Wire iOS wiki.

WireLinkPreview is a Swift framework that can be used to fetch and parse Open Graph data that is present on most webpages (see for more information and to debug open graph data).

How to build

This framework is using Carthage to manage its dependencies. To pull the dependencies binaries, run carthage bootstrap --platform ios.

You can now open the Xcode project and build.


Consumers of this framework should mostly interact with the LinkPreviewDetector type, it can be used to check if a given text contains a link using the containsLink:inText method and if it does it can be used to download the previews asynchronously using downloadLinkPreviews:inText:completion.

let text = "Text containing a link to your awesome tweet"
let detector = LinkPreviewDetector(resultsQueue: .main)

guard detector.containsLink(inText: text) else { return }
detector.downloadLinkPreviews(inText: text) { previews in
    // Do something with the previews

A call to this method will also download the images specified in the Open Graph data. The completion returns an array of LinkPreview objects which currently are either of type ArticleMetadata or TwitterStatusMetadata, while the count of elements in the array is also limited to one at for now. Note, use the delegate LinkPreviewDetectorDelegate to control which which detected links will have their preview generated.