pisto is a simplistic formalization of the lifecycle of stateful systems. Removes a lot of the pain related to debugging a system of many simple services as long as they can be run in a single JVM.
Getting Started
A system of, for example, simple services can be expressed in a namespace like this.
(ns system.core
(:require [pisto.core :as pisto])
(:require [clojure.tools.namespace.repl :as tns])
(:require [wildrank.site :as wildrank])
(:require [annagreta.site :as annagreta]))
;all system state (at least the state needed in order to tear down the system) will be accessible through this var after system startup
(defonce system {:start-order [:annagreta :wildrank]
:parts {:annagreta {:config {:db {:uri "datomic:mem://auth"}
:uri {:port 8060}}}
:wildrank {:config {:uri {:port 8080}}}}})
(defn restart [] (alter-var-root #'system #(pisto/restart-parts %)))
(defn start [] (alter-var-root #'system #(pisto/start-parts %)))
(defn stop [] (alter-var-root #'system #(pisto/stop-parts %))
(alter-var-root #'system #(pisto/clear-all-stateful-info %)))
;These should be mapped to some keyboard shortcuts in the dev environment
(defn reload-and-restart [] (stop) (tns/refresh-all :after 'system.core/start))
(defn update-and-restart [] (stop) (tns/refresh :after 'system.core/start))
It is then up to each part/sub system to ensure it can be started and stopped:
(ns annagreta.site
(:require [net.cgrand.moustache :as moustache])
(:require [pisto.core :as pisto]))
(defonce state nil)
(def routes (-> (moustache/app ["hello-world-resource"] (moustache/app :get (fn [req] {:body "hello world!!!"})))
(defmethod pisto/start-part :annagreta [[type {:keys [config]}]]
(let [db-uri (:uri (:db config))
site-jetty-port (:port (:uri config))]
(alter-var-root #'state
(fn [_]
{:auth-db-conn (when db-uri (connect-and-init! db-uri))
:site-jetty (when site-jetty-port (run-jetty #'routes {:port site-jetty-port :join? false}))}))))
(defmethod pisto/stop-part :annagreta [[type part]]
(let [db-uri (:uri (:db (:config part)))
site-jetty (:site-jetty (:state part))]
(when site-jetty (.stop site-jetty))
(d/delete-database db-uri)))
Project Maturity
Developed primarily for my personal use. API's can change without notice.
Pisto on Clojars. If you are using Maven, add the following repository
definition to your pom.xml
With Leiningen: [pisto "0.1"]
Major dependencies
- Clojure (version 1.5.1)
Copyright (C) 2013 Marcus Holst
Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 (the same as Clojure).