
Retrieve Raw R Code from Popular Tutorials and Websites

blogdown-sites, datacamp, kaggle, kaggle-notebook, medium, r, r-bloggers, rawr, stackoverflow, towards-data-science



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Websites containing R code sometimes necessitate tedious copy/pasting of code blocks from the website to your code editor in order for you to be able to run the code for yourself.

rawr takes care of this.

R Code from Popular R websites

Retrieve R code from a website to your clipboard with rawr_to_clip(), here are some examples:

# install.packages("rawr")

# CRAN vignettes

# Stack Overflow

# Kaggle

# Datacamp

# Github 

# Blogdown sites

Other functionality

Write output to a temp file

rawr("https://www.kaggle.com/vrtjso/mercari-eda-more-info-than-you-can-imagine", to_file=T)

Write output to a specific file

rawr("https://www.kaggle.com/vrtjso/mercari-eda-more-info-than-you-can-imagine", file_path="mynewfile.R")

Some sites have > 1 way of identifying R coode. If rawr() returns no result (or if the result is non-sense), try another method

"https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/keras-r-deep-learning" %>% rawr %>% cat
# no result

"https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/keras-r-deep-learning" %>% rawr(method = 2) %>% cat 
# returns correct output

Issues and Feature Requests

When reporting an issue, please include:

  • Example code that reproduces the observed behavior.
  • An explanation of what the expected behavior is.
  • A specific url you’re attempting to retrieve R code from (if that’s what your issue concerns)

For feature requests, raise an issue with the following:

  • The desired functionality
  • Example inputs and desired output

Pull Requests

Pull requests are welcomed. Before doing so, please create an issue or email me with your idea.

Any new functions should follow the conventions established by the the package’s existing functions. Please ensure

  • Functions are sensibly named
  • The intent of the contribution is clear
  • At least one example is provided in the documentation