A library for text parsing.

library, development, parsing, d, parser-library
dub fetch parsed --version 0.4.2



'parsed' is a text parsing library for D programming language. It allows to combine basic parsers in various ways, creating thus more complex and elaborate ones.

'parsed' consists of two modules: parsed.core and parsed.extras. First one contains interfaces, structures and basic parsers used throughout 'parsed', while the second one contains parsers that are more likely to crop up in real applications. extras imports core publicly, so you don't have to import core if you use extras. extras is probably the module you want to use, unless you enjoy writing most parsers from scratch.


All parsers inherit from Parser class, which is parametric in two things: the type of a value the parser builds up as it works, and type of the strings the parser can work with. String type defaults to string, value type has to be declared explicitly. Most parser-producing functions are parametric in the same way, except for those that take character type instead of string type.

To perform a parse, you need a parser and an initial state to feed to that parser. Parser state is represented by a ParserState struct, which is parametric in the same way as parsers themselves. Constructing a ParserState looks like this: auto state = ParserState!SomeType(someString). To perform a parse now, you need to auto res = someParser.run(state). Then you'll want to test if the parser succeeded (which is done via .success property of ParserState) and to get the value (of type SomeType) built by the parser, which is done via .value property of ParserState. To build a value, you'll have to use % operator described below. Parsed string can be accesses via .parsed property of ParserState.

Four operators provide a way to build complex parsers from simpler ones.

  1. * is applied to two parsers. It runs both of them and concatenates together the strings they parsed (if they've succeeded, of course). So if you do auto p = literal!SomeType("foo") * literal!SomeType("bar");, then p will succeed on any string starting with "foobar", and .parsed will also be "foobar".
  2. / is also applied to two parsers. It runs both of them and discards first one's parsed string, resulting in only second parser's parsed string being passed down the parser chain. So if you do auto p = literal!SomeType("foo") / literal!SomeType("bar");, then p will succeed on any string starting with "foobar", but .parsed will be just "bar".
  3. % is the most important operator. It is applied to a parser on the left side and a function that takes chain's built-up value and this parser's parsed string. The function should return new build-up value, which will replace that of the whole parser chain. So if you do auto p = literal!int("12") % (res, i) => to!int(i); then on success .value of resulting ParserState will be 12.
  4. | is applied to two parsers. It runs the first one, and if it fails, it runs the other one. So auto p = literal!int("foo") | literal!int("bar"); will match both strings starting with "foo" and strings starting with "bar".

For more complex examples, see 'examples' folder. Unittests in the source files also provide several, but they are not very elaborate.


By default all parsers do not perform any lookahead, consuming their input regardless of whether or not the parsers that follow would match the remaining input. Sometimes, a different behaviour is desirable, when parsers in the middle of a chain yield some of the input to the parsers after them. Two methods of the Parser class accomplish this, makeReluctant() and makeGreedy(). The former creates a copy of the caller parser that performs lookahead and is reluctant - it'll consume as little input as it can, but may consume more than possible if it makes the following parsers succeed. The latter works in the same vein, but the output parser is greedy - it'll consume as much input as it can, but may consume less than possible if it makes the following parsers succeed. For examples of these, see unittests below ParserGroup class.


Sometimes a parser needs to be able to operate even if the chain before it has failed. Normal parsers cannot do that, chaining rules (and, for built-in parsers, coded-in short-circuiting) prevent such behaviour. To override this makeOblivious() method of Parser class is used. It returns a new parser that is oblivious, that is, will work even if the chain before has failed. It may fail or succeed as usual. The input it'll receive will be the result of the last successful parse.

Consuming input

By default all parsers trim away input they parse. This can be changed by using noConsume method of the Parser class, which makes a new parser that doesn't consume the input it parses.

Core parsers

These are the parsers that are defined in parsed.core.


auto literal(B, S = string)(S str, bool caseSensitive = true).

Matches a literal string. Optionally may disregard case. .parsed is the matched string.


auto fail(B, S = string)().

Always fails.


auto succeed(B, S = string)().

Always succeeds.


auto test(B, S = string)(bool delegate (B, S) test).

Runs built-up value and previous parser's .parsed through the given function. Succeeds with .parsed inherited from the previous parsed if the function returns true, fails otherwise.


auto build(B, S = string)(B delegate (B, S) dg).

Builds a value just like % operator does. However, build can be the first element in a parser chain, unlike %, which requires a parser to be in the chain before it.


auto force(B, S = string)().

Makes a copy of .parsed and .left. It can be useful if original text takes a lot of memory, while only a portion of it is left/parsed. Using 'force' can hint garbage collector that it's time to collect original text.


auto many(B, S = string)(int min, int max, Parser!(B, S) p).

Uses the given parser between min and max times (if min is negative, there's no lower limit, if max is negative, there's no upper limit). Succeeds if required minimum of successful applications of p is achieved. .parsed is concatenated from each run's .parseds.


auto absorb(B, B2, S = string)(B delegate (B, B2, S) dg, Parser!(B2, S) subparser).

This parser's job is to make parsing nested structures easier. It allows you to run a subparser on the current input and then appropriate its resulting .value into the main parser chain's .value. The delegate this function expects as the first argument should perform said appropriation, returning new .value for the main chain. "struct" example makes use of this function.


auto morph(B, S = string)(S delegate (S) dg).

Takes previous parser's .parsed and transforms it using the given delegate. .parsed is the delegate's return value.


auto singleChar(B, C = char)(bool delegate (C) test).

Parses a single character. Succeeds if the character passes the given test, fail on empty string or if the test is not passed.


auto throwOnSuccess(B, S = string)(Exception exc).

Throws a given exception if the chain before has succeeded.


auto throwOnFailure(B, S = string)(Exception exc).

Throws a given exception if the chain before has failed.


auto throwAnyway(B, S = string)(Exception exc).

Throws a given exception.


auto everything(B, S = string)().

Matches until the end of input. Always succeeds.

except (1st overload)

auto except(E, B, S = string)(Parser!(B, S) main, Parser!(B, S) onException).

Catches an exception of type E that might occur in main. If such an exception is thrown, runs onException on the original input.

except (2nd overload)

auto except(E, B, S = string)(Parser!(B, S) main).

Catches an exception of type E that might occur in main. If such an exception is thrown, this overload fails.


auto charWhile(B, C = char)(bool delegate (C) test, bool keepTerminator = true).

Parses input one character at a time while a given condition is met. .return. is concatenation of all parsed characters, optionally without the character that failed the test. Note that keepTerminator also affects whether or not the terminating character remains in the input after the parser is done. Always succeeds.


auto charUntil(B, C = char)(bool delegate (C) test, bool keepTerminator = true).

Same as charWhile, but parses until a condition is met. Always succeeds.


auto repeatWhile(B, S = string)(bool delegate (B, S, int) test, Parser!(B, S) p).

Runs the same parser for as long as a condition is met. The condition takes three arguments: built-up value, .parsed of the current run, and iteration's index (0-based). .parsed is concatenation of individual runs' .parseds. Always succeeds.


auto repeatUntil(B, S = string)(bool delegate(B, S, int) test, Parser!(B, S) p).

Same as repeatWhile, but parses until a condition is met. Always succeeds.

Extra parsers

These parsers are defined in parsed.extras.


auto whitespace(B, C = char)(bool acceptNewline = false).

Parses a single character of whitespace (as defined by uni.isWhite). By default fails on newline characters.


auto nonwhite(B, C = char)().

Parses a single character of anything but whitespace.


auto alnum(B, C = char)().

Parses a single alphanumeric character (as defined by uni.isAlphaNum).


auto alpha(B, C = char)().

Parses a single alphabetic character (as defined by uni.isAlpha).


auto digit(B, C = char)().

Parses a single decimal digit.


auto hexdigit(B, C = char)().

Parses a single hexadecimal digit (both lower- and upper-case).


auto newline(B, C = char)().

Parses a single '\n' or '\r'.


auto line(B, C = char)(bool keepTerminator).

Parses a whole line. Note that 'keepTerminator' parameter only affects whether or not newline is included in the .parsed, it's always removed from the input. Always succeeds.


auto someWhite(B, C = char)(bool acceptNewlines).

Parses as many whitespace characters as it can, but no less than one. Optionally parses newlines as well.


auto maybeWhite(B, C = char)(bool acceptNewlines).

Parses as many whitespace characters as it can, maybe even 0. Optionally parses newlines as well.


auto someNewlines(B, C = char)().

Parses as many newline characters as it can, but no less than one.


auto maybeNewlines(B, C = char)().

Parses as many newline characters as it can, maybe even 0.


auto word(B, C = char)(Word type, int minLength = 1, int maxLength = -1).

Parses a word. The definition of a word is determined by the type parameter. If type is Word.any then a word is a sequence of non-whitespace characters. If type is Word.alnum then a word is a sequence of alphanumeric characters. If type is Word.alpha then a word is a sequence of alphabetic characters. The sense of minLength and maxLength is the same as for many. Note that if maxLength cuts a word in two, this parser will still succeed with the first bit as .parsed.


auto number(B, C = char)().

Parses a decimal integral number (no floats).


auto hexnum(B, C = char)().

Parser a hexadecimal number (both upper- and lower-case). A number may begin with "0x", but it's not included in the .parsed.


auto maybe(B, S = string)(Parser!(B, S) p).

Uses the given parser zero or one time. This is convenience wrapper over many(0, 1, parser).

balanced (1st overload)

auto balanced(B, C = char)(C left, C right, bool keepPair = false).

Parses text between a balanced pair of symbols. May either include or not the starting and terminating left and right respectively. Note that keepPair has effect only on .parsed, not on the state of the input, the pair is always removed from it.

balanced (2nd overload)

auto balanced(B, S = string)(Parser!(B, S) left, Parser!(B, S) right, bool keepPair = false).

Acts just like the first overload, except it uses parsers to determine which bits of text will serve as left and right components of a pair. Note that it will call both parsers on every character in between left and right, so it's going to be extremely slow for longer strings.


auto upTo(B, S = string)(Parser!(B, S) parser, book keepTerminator = false).

Parses text until a given parser matches. Fails if there's no match. Note that it will call the given parser on every character of the string until a portion of it matches, so it can be very slow for longer strings and more complex parsers.


auto multiliteral(B, S = string, R)(R range, bool caseSensitive = true).

A convenience parser to search for any of the parsers given as a range. Just like literal may optionally be case insensitive.


auto endOfInput(B, S = string)().

Succeeds only if the input is empty.