
YATOL is Yet Another TOy Language

application, desktop, development, compiler, language, programming-language
dub fetch yatol --version 0.0.1-alpha.1


YATOL CI Status codecov

YATOL is Yet Another TOy Langage, a programming language and its compiler.

Its grammar is formally designed with a PEG and then the parser is written in D. For now the lexical aspects are still being worked. A particular focus is put on testing, using built-in D unit tests and coverage.

The language has a C syntax but with a strict LL(1) grammar. Actually for now there are very few cases of lookups, making it almost LL(0) (if you consider that such a thing is possible...).

On the short term, transpilation is targeted, likely in Object Pascal with the FreePascal compiler (ObjFPC).