
Validator for models that does nesting and composition

elm-package install Bastes/the-validator 2.1.1


Elm's The Validator

A library to help you validate your models, point errors and prevent accidental recording of bad data.

Why use The Validator?

Sometimes, HTML5 errors are not enough. Sometimes, you need to validate a string with Elm code, like the super-smart human being you are that don't believe in regular expressions. Sometimes, you'd like to not repeat yourself and easily name, compose and reuse your validations to provide useful feedback or just to block that damned "Save" button until the user gives you proper input.

Sometimes, you need TheValidator.

import TheValidator

type alias Error =

type alias Email =

validEmail : Validator Email Error
validEmail =
  TheValidator.simple isValidEmail "is not a valid email"

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    whenInvalid =
      not (TheValidator.isValid validEmail model)

    emailErrors =
        |> TheValidator.validate validEmail
        |> String.join "\n"

  div []
    [ input
      -- add the "error" class when the the model is invalid
      [ classList [("error", whenInvalid)]
      -- display all errors on the email field (if any) in the title
      , title emailErrors
      , value model
      , onChange UpdateEmail
    , input
      [ _type "submit"
      , onClick SubmitForm
      -- disable the submit button if the model is invalid
      , disabled whenInvalid

This basic example showcases how you can write a simple validator for an email (assuming you've got an isValidEmail validation fuction), use it in your view code to add error classes when needed, display an explaination for it (in the title of the input) and disable the form submission when your validation don't pass.

Now, most forms have more than one field right?

This is where TheValidator starts to shine. Consider this model:

type alias Model =
  { firstName : String
  , lastName : String
  , email: String
  , age : Int

Already, we've may have problems here:

  • the age is an Int ; we can use a numeric input, but if for some reason we don't accept models whose age is a factor of 7, that'll be a pain to validate and prode feedback with html5 only
  • the firstName and lastName may share some validations (ie: nonBlank) and at the same time not share others (ie: no-one named "Montague" since we recruit for CapuletCo.) and we don't want to have to re-write validations that serve the same purpose
  • we want to show only the reasons of the errors for each specific field on that specific field while at the same time offer a recap of all the errors upfront with references to the incriminated fields when we hover over the submit button

Well, let's:

import TheValidator exposing (isValid, validate)

nonBlank : Validation Error String
nonBlank =
  TheValidator.simple isNotBlank "should not be blank"

nonMontague : Validation Error String
nonMontague =
  TheValidator.simple (\name -> name /= "Montague") "should not be \"Montague\""

nonFactorOf7 : Validation Error Int
nonFactorOf7 =
  TheValidator.simple (\age -> (age % 7) /= 0) "should not be a factor of 7"

nonNegative : Validation Error Int
nonNegative =
  TheValidator.simple (\age -> age >= 0) "should not be negative"

-- now we focus the nonBlank validation on the firstName field
validFirstName = Validator Model Error
validFirstName =
    |> TheValidator.focusError
      -- that's how this new validator knows what to validate in the whole model
      -- that's what this new validator adds to the errors to point to the field
      (\_ error -> "the first name " ++ error)

-- same thing with the lastName with a twist: we combine two validations first
validLastName = Validator Model Error
validLastName =
  -- this method combine all validators in the list into one
    [ nonBlank
    , nonMontague
    |> TheValidator.focusError
      (\model error -> "the last name " ++ error)

validAge = Validator Model Error
validAge =
    [ nonNegative
    , nonFactorOf7
    |> TheValidator.focus
      (\model error -> "the age" ++ error)

-- now we bring everything together to validate the whole model
validModel =
    [ validFirstName
    , validLastName
    , validEmail
    , validAge

view : Model -> Html Msg
view ({ firstName, lastName, email, age } as model) =
  div []
    [ input
      [ classList [("error", isValid validFirstName firstName )]
      , title (validate validFirstName firstName |> String.join "\n")
      , value firstName
      , ...
    , input
      [ classList [("error", isValid validLastName lastName )]
      , title (validate validLastName lastName |> String.join "\n")
      , value lastName
      , ...
    , input
      [ classList [("error", isValid validEmail email )]
      , title (validate validEmail email |> String.join "\n")
      , value email
      , ...
    , input
      [ classList [("error", isValid validAge age )]
      , title (validate validAge age |> String.join "\n")
      , value (age |> toString)
      , ...
    , input
      [ _type "submit"
      , onClick SubmitForm
      , disabled (model |> isValid validModel)
      , title (model |> validate validModel)

Now this is nice, all our validation logic is held by the validators and we can re-use common validation logic between fields of the same type that share identical properties.

But what if we want to validate a list of element?

When we validate a list of elements, we want to point to each element inside the list its own failures (by its properties, by its index, etc.). How would we do that with TheValidator?


type alias Models =
  List Model

validModels =
    |> TheValidator.list
      (\index model error ->
        "#" ++ index ++ " (" ++ model.firstName ++ " " ++ model.lastName ++ ") " ++ error

The validModels validator will validate a List Model and pass only when all items pass, returning all error with the index, first and last name of the incriminated item.


This library was freely inspired by rtfeldman's (, elm-validate ( library. I would have used it instead but for the lack of ability to nest validations deeply.

Boring license stuff

This library is licenced under GPLv3. Check out the LICENSE file for more on this topic.

I'll be back


In the meantime, don't hesitate to post issues and/or ideas for improvement :)