
Search term highlighting for Elm apps

elm-lang, mark, search-highlighting
elm-package install ChristophP/elm-mark 2.0.0


Elm Mark

Search Term Highlighting for Elm Apps


Check out the demo.

Upgrade hint from version 1.x.x: There is only one easy-to-fix breaking change in version 2. The exposed module name for elm-mark is changed from Mark to String.Mark. This avoids module naming collisions with other popular packages. Now feel free to use both elm-mark with for example the great mdgriffith/elm-markup. 🎉

Who's using it?

  • The amazing ThankU ( the platform to say thank you and do good.
  • others: please open a PR to have your name or company added

Why do you need it?

Marking keywords in text is harder than it sounds. I had to do it a couple of times and was amazed with the amount of code needed to do something so seemingly simple. This package wraps everything you need, to do search term highlighting. I spent quite some time polishing the API to where it is right now, so I hope you'll find it pleasant to use and highlight away. :-)

How to use

import Html
import String.Mark as Mark

main = Html.p [] <| Mark.mark "ness" "Tennessee"
-- will render <p>Ten<mark>ness</mark>ee</p>

Options and Configuration

There are a bunch of options ranging from no-config to fully customizable. Options include case sensitiviy, single word/multi word search and search term length threshold. You can also provide your own custom search logic, should the available options not meet your needs. Here's a small example of configuring case sensitivity.

  options = { defaultOptions | searchType = normalSearch matchCase }
in Mark.markWith options "a-search-term" "some text to search"

Check out the module documentation to see detailed info about the configuration options.


Check out the repository for examples and tests, there are also a few code examples in the module documentation.


Developing and running the tests.

npm ci
npm run dev


Thanks to @layflags and @pehota for inspirational thoughts 🤔, code reviews 👓 and lots of fun working on projects together.